C Lageweg, SD Cotofana, S Vassiliadis (2001), A turnstile based single electron memory element, In SAFE 2001: proceedings p.103-108, STW Technology Foundation.
C Lageweg, SD Cotofana, S Vassiliadis (2001), Achieving fanout capabilities in single electron encoded logic networks, In Proceedings. Vol. 2 p.1383-1386, IEEE.
KLM Bertels, M Boman (2001), Agent-based social simulation in markets, In Electronic Commerce Research Volume 1 p.149-158.
M Sima, SD Cotofana, JTJ van Eijndhoven, S Vassiliadis (2001), An 8-point IDCT computing resource implemented on a trimedia/CPU64 reconfigurable functional unit, F Karelse (Eds.), In Proceedings p.211-218, STW Technology Foundation.
A Sharma, EA Varvarigos (2001), An analysis of limited wavelength translation in regular all-optical WDM networks, In Journal of Lightwave Technology Volume 18 p.1606-1619.
JP Lang, A Sharma, EA Varvarigos (2001), An analysis of oblivious and adaptive routing in optical networks with wavelength translation, In IEEE - ACM Transactions on Networking Volume 9 p.503-517.
D Crisu, SD Cotofana, S Vassiliadis (2001), An energy-aware architectural exploration tool for ARM-based SOCs, s.n..
D Crisu, SD Cotofana, S Vassiliadis (2001), An energy-aware architectural exploration tool for ARM-based SOCs, In ProRISC 2001: proceedings p.327-337, STW Technology Foundation.
G Kuzmanov, S Vassiliadis, JTJ van Eijndhoven (2001), An implementation of the MPEG-4 ACQ function, In ProRICS 2001: proceedings p.466-469, STW Technology Foundation.
E Panainte, I Athanasiu, SD Cotofana (2001), An optimization framework for retargetable compilers, I Dumitrache, C Buiu (Eds.), In CSCS-13: proceedings p.427-432, Editura Politehnica.