GG Pechanek, S Vassiliadis, JG Delgado-Frias (2000), Massively parallel multiple-folded clustered processor mesh array.

B Blaner, S Vassiliadis (2000), Method for processing instructions for parrallel execution including storing instruction sequences along with compounding information in cache.

FJ Gutierrez, EA Varvarigos, S Vassiliadis (2000), Multi-cost routing in Max-Min fair share networks, In Proceedings. Vol. 2 p.1294-1304, s.n..

CH Yeh, EA Varvarigos, B Parhami (2000), Multilayer VLSI layout for interconnection networks, DJ Lilja (Eds.), In ICPP 2000 proceedings p.33-40, IEEE.

JSSM Wong, SD Cotofana, S Vassiliadis (2000), Multimedia enhanced general-purpose processors, In ICME 2000: latest advances in the fast changing world of multimedia p.1-4, IEEE Society.

EA Hakkennes, S Vassiliadis (2000), Multimedia execution hardware accelerator, In Journal of V LSISignal Processing Volume 28 p.221-234.

PG D'Arcy, S Jinturkar, CJ Glossner, S Vassiliadis (2000), Multiple machine view execution in computer system.

PJF Swart, FL Muller, LP Ligthart (2000), Novel concept of a multistatic antenna configuration enhances high range resolution FMCW radar with instantaneous angular resolution capability, In ISAP 2000 proceedings Vol. 1 p.185-188, IEICE.

BHH Juurlink, P Kolman, F Meyer Auf Der Heide, I Rieping (2000), Optimal broadcast on parallel locality models, M Flammini (Eds.), In SIROCCO 7: proceedings in informatics 7 p.211-225, Carleton Scientific.

CH Yeh, EA Varvarigos, B Parhami (2000), Optimal-depth circuits for prefex computation and addition, MB Matthews (Eds.), In Proceedings p.1349-1353, IEEE Society.