Y Li, DMJ Tax, M Loog (2012), Supervised scale-invariant segmentation (and detection), In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6667 p.350-361.

DMJ Tax, M Loog, RPW Duin, VV Cheplygina, WJ Lee (2011), Bag dissimilarities for multiple instance learning, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7005 p.222-234.

S. Escalera, DMJ Tax, O. Pujol, P. Radeva, RPW Duin (2011), Multi-class Classification in Image Analysis via Error-correcting Output Codes, H Kwasnicka, JC Jain (Eds.), In Innovations in Intelligent Image Analysis p.7-29, Springer.

VV Cheplygina, DMJ Tax (2011), Pruned random subspace method for one-class classifiers, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6713 p.96-105.

B Loni, G van Tulder, P Wiggers, DMJ Tax, M Loog (2011), Question classification by weighted combination of lexical, syntactic and semantic features, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6836 p.243-250.

Y Li, DMJ Tax, M Loog (2011), Supervised image segmentation with scale invariance, A Smeulders, F Karelse, R van der Drift, D Stroobandt (Eds.), In ICT.Open 2011 p.1-6, STW.

L Sørensen, M Loog, DMJ Tax, WJ Lee, M de Bruijne, RPW Duin (2010), Dissimilarity-based multiple instance learning, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6218 p.129-138.

RPW Duin, M Loog, EM Pekalska, DMJ Tax (2010), Feature-based dissimilarity space classification, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6388 p.46-55.

DMJ Tax, EA Hendriks, MF Valstar, M Pantic (2010), The detection of concept frames using Clustering Multi-Instance Learning, S.N. (Eds.), In The proceedings of the 20th international conference for pattern recognition p.2917-2920, IEEE.

Y Li, DMJ Tax, M Loog (2009), An initial study into image segmentation by combining multi-scale information, Th Gevers, HJ Bos, L Wolters (Eds.), In Proceedings of the fifteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.1-6, ASCI.