VV Cheplygina, DMJ Tax, M Loog (2016), Dissimilarity-based ensembles for multiple instance learning, In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Volume 27 p.1379-1391.
André Eugênio Lazzaretti, David Martinus Johannes Tax, Hugo Vieira Neto, Vitor Hugo Ferreira (2016), Novelty detection and multi-class classification in power distribution voltage waveforms, In Expert Systems with Applications Volume 45 p.322-330.
Taygun Kekec, David Tax (2016), Robust Gram Embeddings, In Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing p.1060-1065, Association for Computational Linguistics.
Siamak Hajizadeh, Alfredo Nunez Vicencio, David Tax (2016), Semi-supervised rail defect detection from imbalanced image data, Tankut Acarman (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, CTS 2016, Istanbul, Turkey p.1-6.
David Tax, Veronika Cheplygina, Bob Duin, Jan van de Poll (2016), The Similarity Between Dissimilarities, A. Robles-Kelly, Marco Loog, B. Biggio, F. Escolano, R. Wilson (Eds.), In Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition p.84-94, Springer.
A.C.P. Guédon, M. Paalvast, F. C. Meeuwsen, D. M J Tax, A. P. van Dijke, L. S G L Wauben, M. van der Elst, J. Dankelman, J. J. van den Dobbelsteen (2016), ‘It is time to prepare the next patient’ real-time prediction of procedure duration in laparoscopic cholecystectomies, In Journal of Medical Systems Volume 40.
MA Rijlaarsdam, DMJ Tax, AJM Gillis, LCJ Dorssers, DC Koestler, J de Ridder, LHJ Looijenga (2015), Correction: Genome wide DNA methylation profiles provide clues to the origin and pathogenesis of germ cell tumors, In PLoS ONE Volume 10 p.1-1.
MA Rijlaarsdam, DMJ Tax, AJM Gillis, LCJ Dorssers, DC Koestler, J de Ridder, LHJ Looijenga (2015), Genome wide DNA methylation profiles provide clues to the origin and pathogenesis of germ cell tumors, In PLoS ONE Volume 10 p.1-34.
VV Cheplygina, L Sørensen, DMJ Tax, M de Bruijne, M Loog (2015), Label stability in multiple instance learning, J Hornegger, N Navab, WM Wells, AF Frangi (Eds.), In Proceedings - 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention p.539-546, Springer.
VV Cheplygina, DMJ Tax, M Loog (2015), Multiple instance learning with bag dissimilarities, In Pattern Recognition Volume 48 p.264-275.