F Gaisser, M Rudinac, PP Jonker, DMJ Tax (2013), Online face recognition and learning for cognitive robots, A Weitzenfeld, J Ruiz del Solar, A Barrera (Eds.), In Proceedings 2013 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics p.1-9, IEEE.
Y Li, DMJ Tax, RPW Duin, M Loog (2013), The link between multiple-instance learning and learning from only positive and unlabelled examples, Z-H Zhou, F Roli, J Kittler (Eds.), In Proceedings 11th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems p.157-166, Springer.
P Xu, DMJ Tax, A Hanjalic (2012), A Structure-Based Video Representation forWeb Video Categorization, SN (Eds.), In Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012) p.433-436, IJSCI.
VV Cheplygina, DMJ Tax, RPW Duin, WJ Lee, M Loog (2012), Bag dissimilarities for multiple instance learning, BeneLearn 2012, Ghent, Belgium p.58-58.
WJ Lee, VV Cheplygina, DMJ Tax, M Loog, RPW Duin (2012), Bridging structure and feature representations in graph matching, In International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Volume 26 p.1260005-1-1260005-22.
VV Cheplygina, DMJ Tax, M Loog (2012), Class-dependent dissimilarity measures for multiple instance learning, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7626 p.602-610.
VV Cheplygina, DMJ Tax, M Loog (2012), Does one rotten apple spoil the whole barrel?, SN (Eds.), In Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012) p.1156-1159, IJSCI.
Y Li, DMJ Tax, RPW Duin, M Loog (2012), Multiple-instance learning as a classifier combining problem, In Pattern Recognition Volume 46.
S Sankaranarayanan, B Bremond, DMJ Tax (2012), Qualitative evaluation of detection and tracking performance, In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance p.362-367, IEEE.
Y Li, DMJ Tax (2012), Scale selection for supervised image segmentation, In Image and Vision Computing Volume 30 p.991-1003.