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DMJ Tax, RPW Duin, Y Arzhaeva (2006), Linear model combining by optimizing the area under the ROC curve, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 18th international conference on pattern recognition p.1-4, IEEE.

DMJ Tax, P Juszczak, EM Pekalska, RPW Duin (2006), Outlier detection using ball descriptions with adjustable metric, DY Yeung, JT Kwok, A Fred, F Roli, D de Ridder (Eds.), In Structural, syntactic and statistical pattern recognition p.587-595, Springer.

TCW Landgrebe, DMJ Tax, P Paclik, RPW Duin (2006), The interaction between classification and rejection performance for distance-based reject-option classifiers, In Pattern Recognition Letters Volume 27 p.908-917.

CJ Veenman, DMJ Tax (2005), A weighted nearest mean classifier for sparse subspaces, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society international conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CPVR'05) p.1171-1176, IEEE.

DMJ Tax, RPW Duin (2005), Characterization one-class datasets, F Nicolls (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa p.21-26, IAPR.

CJ Veenman, DMJ Tax (2005), LESS: A model-based classifier for sparce subspaces, In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Volume 27 p.1496-1500.

P Paclik, TCW Landgrebe, DMJ Tax, RPW Duin (2005), On deriving the second-stage training set for trainable combiners, NC Oza, R Polikar, J Kittler, F Roli (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 6th International workshop multiple classifier systems 2005 p.136-146, Springer.

TCW Landgrebe, P Paclik, DMJ Tax, RPW Duin (2005), Optimising two-stage recognition systems, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 3541 p.206-215.

P Paclik, DMJ Tax, S Verzakov, RPW Duin (2005), Simplifying the model-based classifiers for multi-modal problems in classification of spectra, F Nicolls (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa p.33-38, University of Cape Town.