JMP Cardoso, T Carvalho, JGF Coutinho, R Nobre, R Nane, P Diniz, Z Petrov, W Luk, KLM Bertels (2013), Controlling a complete hardware synthesis toolchain with LARA aspects, In Microprocessors and Microsystems Volume 37 p.1073-1089.

D Theodoropoulos, GK Kuzmanov, GN Gaydadjiev (2013), Custom architecture for multicore audio Beamforming systems, In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems Volume 13 p.1-26.

CB Ciobanu (2013), Customizable register files for multidimensional SIMD architectures, PhD Thesis Delft University of Technology.

JGF Coutinho, JMP Cardoso, T Carvalho, R Nobre, S. Bhattacharya, PC Diniz, L Fitzpatrick, R Nane (2013), Deriving resource efficient designs using the REFLECT aspect-oriented approach, JGF Coutinho, P Brisk, PC Diniz (Eds.), In International symposium ARC p.226-228, Springer.

H Mushtaq, Z Al-Ars, KLM Bertels (2013), Efficent and highly portable deterministic multithreading (DetLock), In Computing Volume 95 p.1-17.

H Mushtaq, Z Al-Ars, KLM Bertels (2013), Efficient software based fault tolerance approach on multicore platforms, s.n. (Eds.), In Design, automation & test in Europe conference & exhibition p.1-6, IEEE.

G Keramidas, JSSM Wong, F Anjam, AAC Brandon, RAE Seedorf, C Scordino, L Carro, D Matos (2013), Embedded reconfigurable computing: the ERA approach, s.n. (Eds.), In 11th IEEE International conference on industrial informatics p.1-6, IEEE.

I Ashraf, SA Ostadzadeh, RJ Meeuws, KLM Bertels (2013), Evaluation methodology for data communication-aware application partitioning, F Wolf, B Mohr, Dieter an Mey (Eds.), In 1st Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for the Many-core Era p.1-10, Springer.

P Pham Quoc Cuong, Z Al-Ars, KLM Bertels (2013), Heterogeneous hardware accelerator architecture for streaming image processing, s.n. (Eds.), In International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications p.1-6, IEEE.

P Pham Quoc Cuong, Z Al-Ars, KLM Bertels (2013), Heterogeneous hardware accelerators interconnect: an overview, s.n. (Eds.), In 7th HiPEAC workshop on reconfigurable computing p.1-12, Springer.