Y Wang (2013), Aging assessment and reliability aware omputing platforms, PhD Thesis Delft University of Technology.

C Chen, SD Cotofana (2013), An efective routing algorithm to avoid unnecessary link abandon in 2D mesh NoCs, s.n. (Eds.), In 16th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design p.311-318, IEEE.

EK Bankas, KA Gbolagade, SD Cotofana (2013), An effective new CRT based reverse converter for a novel moduli set { 2^(2n+1)-1, 2^(2n+1), 2^(2n)-1 }, T El-Ghawazi, M Smith et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 2013 IEEE 24th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors p.142-146, IEEE.

C Bira, L Gugu, R Hobincu, V Codreanu, L Petrica, SD Cotofana (2013), An energy effective SIMD accelerator for visual pattern matching, s.n. (Eds.), In 4th International symposium on highly efficient accelerators and reconfigurable technologies p.1-4, ACM.

C Papameletis, B Keller, V Chickermane, EJ Marinissen, S Hamdioui (2013), Automated DfT insertion and test generation for 3D-SICs with embedded cores and multiple towers, s.n. (Eds.), In 18th IEEE European Test Symposium p.1-6, IEEE.

MSK Seyab, S Hamdioui, H Kukner, P Raghavan, F Catthoor (2013), Bias temperature instability analysis in SRAM decoder, P Girard, Z Peng (Eds.), In Proceedings 18th IEEE European Test Symposium p.1-1, IEEE.

MSK Seyab (2013), Bias temperature instability analysis, monitoring and mitigation for nano-scaled circuits, PhD Thesis Delft University of Technology.

G Nazarian, R.M. Seepers, C Strydis, GN Gaydadjiev (2013), Compiler-aided methodology for low overhead on-line testing, O Silven, H Jeschke (Eds.), In Proceedings - 2013 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation p.219-226, IEEE.

F Anjam, JSSM Wong (2013), Configurable fault-tolerance for a configurable VLIW processor, Ph Brisk, JG de Figueiredo Coutinho, P Diniz (Eds.), In 9th International symposium on applied reconfigurable computing p.1-12, Springer.

N Aymerich, SD Cotofana, A Rubio (2013), Controlled degradation stochastic resonance in adaptive averaging cell based architectures, In IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology Volume 12 p.888-896.