H Calderón, S Vassiliadis (2005), Reconfigurable universal SAD-multiplier array, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2nd conference on computing frontiers p.72-76, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Z Chang, GN Gaydadjiev, S Vassiliadis (2005), Routing protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks: current development and evaluation, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of ProRISC 2005, 16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.489-494, Dutch Technology Foundation.
CJ Glossner, S Dorward, S Jinturkar, M Moudgill, E Hokenek, MJ Schulte, S Vassiliadis (2005), Sandbridge software tools, TD Hämäläinen, AD Pimentel, J Takala, S Vassiliadis (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on computer systems: architectures, modelling, and simulation (SAMOS 2005) p.269-278, Springer.
H Calderón, C Elena, S Vassiliadis (2005), Soft core processors and embedded processing: a survey and analysis, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of ProRISC 2005, 16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.483-488, Dutch Technology Foundation.
F Smailbegovic, GN Gaydadjiev, S Vassiliadis (2005), Sparse matrix storage format, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of ProRISC 2005, 16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.445-448, Dutch Technology Foundation.
B Li, P van der Wolf, K Bertels (2005), TTL inter-task communication implementation on a shared-memory multiprocessor platform, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of ProRISC 2005, 16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.390-397, Dutch Technology Foundation.
JW van de Waerdt, S Vassiliadis, EW Bellers (2005), Temporal video up-conversion on a next-generation media-processor, MW Marcellin (Eds.), In Signal and Image Processing. SIP 2005 p.434-441, ACTA Press.
D Cheresiz, BHH Juurlink, S Vassiliadis, HAG Wijshoff (2005), The CSI multimedia architecture, In IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems Volume 13 p.1-13.
JW van de Waerdt, S Vassiliadis, S Das, S Mirolo, C Yen, C Basto, JP van Itegem, D Amirtharaj, K Kalra, P Rodriguez, H van Antwerpen (2005), The TM3270 media-processor, s.n. (Eds.), In MICRO-38 - Proceedings of the 38th annual IEEE/ACM international symposium on microarchitecture p.331-342, IEEE.
JW van de Waerdt, S Vassiliadis, JP van Itegem, H van Antwerpen (2005), The TM3270 media-processor data cache, s.n. (Eds.), In Computer design: VLSI in computers & processors, IICD 2005 p.334-341, IEEE.