RPJ van der Krogt, MM de Weerdt (2005), Coordination through plan repair, A Gelbukh, A de Albornoz, H Terashima-Marin (Eds.), In MICAI 2005: Advances in artificial intelligence p.264-274, Springer.

C Witteveen, N Roos, RPJ van der Krogt, MM de Weerdt (2005), Diagnosis of single and multi-agent plans, Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Sven Koenig, Sarit Kraus, Munindar P Singh, Michael Wooldridge (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-05) p.805-812, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Tamas Mahr, Mathijs De Weerdt (2005), Distributed agent platform for advanced logistics.

RPJ van der Krogt, MM de Weerdt, N Roos, C Witteveen (2005), Multiagent Planning through Plan Repair, Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum, Sven Koenig, Sarit Kraus, Munindar P Singh, Michael Wooldridge (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-05) p.1337-1338, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

RPJ van der Krogt, MM de Weerdt (2005), Plan repair as an extension of planning, S Biundo, K Myers, K Rajan (Eds.), In Proceedings, The 15th International Conference on automated Planning and Scheduling p.161-170, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

RPJ van der Krogt, MM de Weerdt (2005), Plan repair using a plan library, R Verbrugge, K Verbeeck, K Tuyls, A Nowé, B Manderick, B Kuijpers (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 17th Belgium-Netherlands conference on artificial intelligence, BNAIC-2005 p.254-259, KVAB.

RPJ van der Krogt, MM de Weerdt (2005), Self-interested planning agents using plan repair, S Biundo, K Myers, K Rajan (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiagent Planning and Scheduling. ICAPS 2005 p.36-44, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

Sicco Verwer, Mathijs De Weerdt, Cees Witteveen (2005), Timed automata for behavioral pattern recognition, In Belgian/Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference p.291-296.

SE Verwer, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2005), Timed automata for behavorial pattern recognition, K Verbeeck, K Tuyls, A Nowé, B Manderick, B Kuijpers (Eds.), In BNAIC 2005 - Proceedings of the seventeenth Belgium-Netherlands conference on artificial intelligence p.291-296, KVAB.

RPJ van der Krogt, MM de Weerdt (2004), The two faces of plan repair, R Verbrugge, N Taatgen, L Schomaker (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 26th Belgium-Netherlands conference on artificial intelligence p.147-154, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.