Y Zhang, MM de Weerdt (2009), Creating incentives to prevent intentional execution failures, R Baeza-Yates, J Lang, S Mitra, S Parsons, G Pasi (Eds.), In IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies (WI-IAT 2009) p.431-434, IEEE.
M Wu, Mathijs de Weerdt, Han La Poutré (2009), Efficient Methods for Multi-agent Multi-issue Negotiation: Allocating Resources, JJ Yang, M Yokoo, T Ito, Z Jin, P Scerri (Eds.), In Proceedings of the PRIMA p.97-112, Springer.
MM de Weerdt, BJ Clement (2009), Introduction to Planning in Multiagent Systems, In Multiagent and Grid Systems Volume 5 p.345-355.
M Wu, Mathijs de Weerdt, Han La Poutré, C. Yadati, Y Zhang, C Witteveen (2009), Multi-player Multi-issue Negotiation with Complete Information, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiations p.87-92.
SE Verwer, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2009), One-Clock Deterministic Timed Automata Are Efficiently Identifiable in the Limit, AH Dediu, AM Ionescu, C Martin-Vide (Eds.), In Third International Conference, LATA 2009, Tarragona, Spain, April 2-8, 2009. Proceedings p.740-751, Springer.
T Mahr, J. Srour, MM de Weerdt, RA Zuidwijk (2009), The Merit of Agents in Freight Transport, A Bazzan, F Klug (Eds.), In Multi-Agent Systems for Traffic and Transportation Engineering p.323-341, IGI Global.
Tamás Máhr, Jordan Srour, Mathijs de Weerdt, Rob Zuidwijk (2008), Agent performance in vehicle routing when the only thing certain is uncertainty, In Belgian/Netherlands Artificial Intelligence Conference p.337-338.
KV Hindriks, D Tykhonov, Mathijs de Weerdt (2008), Approximating an auction mechanism by multi-issue negotiation, WP Brinkman, KV Hindriks (Eds.), In Proceedings of HUCOM 2008 p.33-39, Mediamatics.
SE Verwer, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2008), Efficiently learning simple timed automata, W Bridewell, T Calders, Ana Karla de Medeiros, Stefan Kramer, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Ljupco Todorovski (Eds.), In Induction of Process Models (IPM 2008) p.61-68, University of Antwerp.
SE Verwer, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2008), Efficiently learning timed models from observations, L Wehenkel, P Geurts, Raphael Maree (Eds.), In Benelearn 2008 p.75-76, Universite de Liege.