SE Verwer, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2006), Identifying an automaton model for timed data (extended abstract), Pierre-Yve Schobbens, Wim Vanhoof, Gabriel Schwanen (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Belgium-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC) p.439-440, BNVKI.
T Mahr, MM de Weerdt, J. Srour, RA Zuidwijk (2006), Incorporating Expert Knowledge in Decision Support for Logistics: Balancing Costs and Customer Relations, In Proceedings of the 9th TRAIL congress: TRAIL in Motion p.217-232, TRAIL Research School.
C Witteveen, MM de Weerdt (2006), Multi-Agent Planning for Non-Cooperative Agents, Ed Durfee, David Musliner (Eds.), In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Distributed Plan and Schedule Management p.169-170, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
T Mahr, MM de Weerdt (2006), Multi-Attribute Vickrey Auctions when Utility Functions are Unknown, Pierre-Yve Schobbens, Wim Vanhoof, Gabriel Schwanen (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Belgium-Dutch Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC) p.221-227, BNVKI.
A Bos, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2006), Multi-agents for Planning and Operational Management, Rob Konings, Hugo Priemus, Peter Nijkamp (Eds.), In The Future Of Automated Freight Transport -- Concepts, Design and Implementation p.185-204, Edward Elgar Publishing.
MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2006), Multiagent planning: problem properties that matter, Ed Durfee, David Musliner (Eds.), In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Distributed Plan and Schedule Management p.155-156, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
MM de Weerdt, RPJ van der Krogt (2006), On Inefficiencies in Multiagent Planning, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the PlanSIG p.33-38, s.l..
SE Verwer, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2006), On the identifiability in the limit of timed automata, In Proceedings of the Grammatical inference workshop on open problems and new directions p.-.
M Pantic, R Zwitserloot, MM de Weerdt (2006), Work in progress: Learner-centered Online Learning Facility, s.n. (Eds.), In Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) p.1-2, IEEE.
JM Valk, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2005), Coordination in multi-agent with an application in logistics, I Vlahavas, D Vrakas (Eds.), In Intelligent techniques for planning p.194-224, Idea Group Publishing.