MM de Weerdt, A Bos, JFM Tonino, C Witteveen (2002), A resource logic for multi-agent plan merging, In Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Volume 37 p.93-131.
JFM Tonino, A Bos, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2002), Plan coordination by revision in collective agent based systems, In Artificial Intelligence Volume 142 p.121-145.
JFM Tonino, A Bos, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2002), Plan coordination by revision in collective agent based systems, In Artificial Intelligence Volume 142 p.121-145.
MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2001), A resource logic for multi-agent plan merging, J Levine (Eds.), In PLANSIG 2001: proceedings p.244-256, s.n..
MM de Weerdt, JFM Tonino, C Witteveen (2001), Cooperative heuristic multi-agent planning, B Krose (Eds.), In BNAIC'01: proceedings p.275-283, s.n..
MM de Weerdt, A Bos, JFM Tonino, C Witteveen (2000), A plan fusion algorithm for multi-agent systems, K Satoh, F Sadri (Eds.), In First international conference on computational logic p.56-65, CL 2000.
RPJ van der Krogt, A Bos, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2000), An algorithm for replanning, van den A Bosch, H Weigand (Eds.), In Proceedings of the twelfth Belgium-Nethelands artificial intelligence conference p.21-28, BNAIC.
J Zutt, MM de Weerdt (2000), Cooperative transport planning, van den A Bosch, H Weigand (Eds.), In Proceedings of the twelfth Belgium-Nethelands artificial intelligence conference p.371-372, BNAIC.
MM de Weerdt, A Bos, JFM Tonino, C Witteveen (2000), Muti-agent cooperation in a planning framework, van den A Bosch, H Weigand (Eds.), In Proceedings of the twelfth Belgium-Nethelands artificial intelligence conference p.53-60, BNAIC.
A Bos, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen, JFM Tonino, JM Valk (1999), A dynamic systems framework for multi-agent experiments, In ESSLLI 99: foundations and applications of collective agent based systems (CABS) p.1-12, s.n..