R Ishihara, D Danciu, FD Tichelaar, M He, Y Hiroshima, S Inoue, T Shimoda, JW Metselaar, CIM Beenakker (2007), Microstructure characterization of location-controlled Si-islands crystallized by excimer laser in the mu-Czochralski (grain filter) process, In Journal of Crystal Growth Volume 299 p.316-321.
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M He, R Ishihara, CIM Beenakker (2007), Preparation of large, location-controlled Si grains by excimer-laser crystallization of a-Si films sputtered at 100C, HA Atwater, A Chu, S Wagner, Yamamoto, HA Zan (Eds.), In Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. p.1-4, s.n..
A Baiano, R Ishihara, N Karaki, S Inoue, JW Metselaar, CIM Beenakker (2007), SPICE modeling of single-grain Si TFTs using BSIMSOI, s.n. (Eds.), In SAFE 2007 Semiconductor advances for future electornics p.1-4, STW.
A Baiano, R Ishihara, N Saputra, JR Long, N Karaki, S Inoue, JW Metselaar, CIM Beenakker (2007), SPICE modeling of single-grain Si TFTs using TFTs BSIMSOI, In ECS Transactions p.171-176.
B Yan, P Migliorato, R Ishihara (2007), Simulation of twin boundary effect on characteristics of single-grain silicon thin film transistors, In Applied Physics Letters Volume 91.
R Ishihara, V Rana, M He, Y Hiroshima, S Inoue, JW Metselaar, CIM Beenakker (2007), Single-grain Si TFTs and circuits fabricated through advanced excimer-laser crystallization, In Solid-State Electronics.
M He, R Ishihara, CIM Beenakker (2007), Single-grain Si TFTs fabricated at 100oC for microelectronics on a plastic substrate, V Chu, S Miyazaki, A Nathan, J Yang, HW Zan (Eds.), In Amorphous and Polycrystalline Thin-Film Silicon Science and Technology¿2007 MRS Proceedings p.1-4, Material Research Society.
N Saputra, MM Danesh, A Baiano, R Ishihara, JR Long (2007), Single-grain Si thin-film transistors for analog and RF circuit applications, Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel & Tobias Noll (Eds.), In Proceedings of the european Solid State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) + ESSDERC p.107-110, IEEE.
M He, R Ishihara, JW Metselaar, CIM Beenakker (2006), <100>textured self-assembled square-shaped polycrystalline silicon grains by multiple shot excimer laser crystallization, In Journal of Applied Physics Volume 100 p.083103-1-5.