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S Hamdioui, Z Al-Ars, AJ van de Goor, M Rodgers (2003), March SL: a test for all static linked memory faults, s.n. (Eds.), In ATS 2003; proceedings of the twelfth Asian test symposium p.372-377, IEEE.
Z Al-Ars, AJ van de Goor, J Braun, D Richter (2003), Optimizing stresses for testing DRAM cell defects using electrical simulations, N Wehn, D Verkest (Eds.), In DATE '03; design, automation and test in Europe p.484-489, IEEE.
Z Al-Ars, AJ van de Goor (2003), Static and dynamic behavior of memory cell array spot defects in embedded DRAMs, In IEEE Transactions on Computers Volume 52 p.293-309.
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Z Al-Ars, AJ van de Goor (2003), Test generation and optimization for DRAM cell defects using electrical simulation, In IEEE Transactions on Computer - Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Volume 22 p.1371-1384.
Z Al-Ars, AJ van de Goor (2002), Approximating infinite dynamic behavior for DRAM cell defects, In 20th VLSI Test symposium Proceedings p.401-407, IEEE.
Z Al-Ars, AJ van de Goor (2002), DRAM Specific approximation of the faulty behavior of cell defects, In Proceedings of the 11th Asian test symposium (ATS'02) p.98-104, IEEE.
Z Al-Ars, AJ van de Goor (2002), Modeling techniques and tests for partial faults in memory devices, C Delgado Kloos, J da Franca (Eds.), In DATE'02: Design, automation and test in Europe; Proceedings p.89-94, IEEE.
S Hamdioui, Z Al-Ars, AJ van de Goor (2002), Testing static and dynamic faults in random access memories, In 20th VLSI Test symposium; Proceedings p.395-401, IEEE.