L Hasan, Z Al-Ars, M Taouil, KLM Bertels (2010), Performance and bandwidth optimization for biological sequence alignment, I Elahi, A Ivanov, Y Zorian, A Salem (Eds.), In 5th Intl. design and test workshop p.155-160, IEEE.

L Hasan, Z Al-Ars (2010), Power consumption evaluation for biological sequence alignment, PJ French (Eds.), In ProRISC 2010 p.42-46, STW.

L Hasan, Z Al-Ars (2009), An efficient and high performance linear recursive variable expansion implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm, s.n. (Eds.), In 31st annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society p.3845-3848, IEEE.

Z Al-Ars, S Hamdioui (2009), Fault diagnosis using test primitives in random access memories, s.n. (Eds.), In 18th Asian test symposium p.403-408, IEEE.

M Imran, Z Al-Ars, GN Gaydadjiev (2009), Improving soft error correction capability of 4-D parity codes, 14th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS'09).

M Imran, Z Al-Ars, GN Gaydadjiev (2009), Improving soft error correction capability of 4-D parity codes, s.n. (Eds.), In 14th European Test Symposium p.1-6, IEEE.

AJ van de Goor, S Hamdioui, GN Gaydadjiev, Z Al-Ars (2009), New algorithms for address decoder delay faults and bit line imbalance faults, s.n. (Eds.), In 18th Asian test symposium p.391-395, IEEE.

Z Al-Ars, S Hamdioui (2009), Non-algorithmic stress optimization using simulation for DRAMs, s.n. (Eds.), In 4th Intl. design and test workshop 2009 p.1-6, IEEE.

L Hasan, Z Al-Ars (2009), Performance comparison between linear RVE and linear systolic array implementations of the Smith-Waterman algorithm, s.n. (Eds.), In 20th annual workshop on circuits, systems and signal processing p.451-455, STW.

S Hamdioui, Z Al-Ars (2009), Scan more with memory scan test, s.n. (Eds.), In 4th IEEE international conference on design & technology of integrated systems in nanoscale era p.204-209, IEEE.