I Ashraf, K Bertels, N Khammassi, JC le Lann (2015), Communication-Aware Parallelization Strategies for High Performance Applications, SP Mohanty, M Belleville (Eds.), In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, ISVLSI 2015 p.539-444, IEEE.
IO Agbo, M Taouil, S Hamdioui, S Cosemans, P Weckx, P Raghavan, F Catthoor (2015), Comparative analysis of RD and Atomistic trap-based BTI models on SRAM Sense Amplifier, V Casola (Eds.), In Proceedings - 10th IEEE International Conference on Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, DTIS 2015 p.1-6, IEEE.
HA Du Nguyen, L Xie, M Taouil, R Nane, S Hamdioui, K Bertels (2015), Computation-in-memory based parallel adder, CA Moritz, M Rahman (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures, NANOARCH p.57-62, IEEE.
M Ottavi, S Pontarelli, D Gizopoulos, A Paschalis, C Bolchini, MK Michael, L Anghel, M Tahoori, P Reviriego, O Bringmann, V Izosimov, H Manhaeve, C Strydis, S Hamdioui (2015), Dependable multicore architectures at nanoscale: The view from Europe, In IEEE Design & Test of Computers Volume 32 p.17-28.
AMMO Cortez, S Hamdioui, R Ishihara (2015), Design dependent SRAM PUF robustness analysis, V Champac, Y Zorian (Eds.), In Proceedings - 16th IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium p.1-6, IEEE.
T Marconi, SD Cotofana (2015), Dynamic bitstream length scaling energy effective stochastic LDPC decoding, AK Coskun, M Margala (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 25th Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI 2015 p.245-248, ACM.
C Chen, M Enachescu, SD Cotofana (2015), Enabling vertical wormhole switching in 3D NoC-Bus hybrid systems, W Nebel (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2015 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition p.507-512, IEEE.
Shanshan Ren, Vlad-Mihai Sima, Zaid Al-Ars (2015), FPGA acceleration of the pair-HMMs forward algorithm for DNA sequence analysis, Jun (Luke) Huan, Satoru Miyano, Amarda Shehu (Eds.), In Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine p.1465-1470, IEEE.
M de Jong, VM Sima, KLM Bertels, D Thomas (2015), FPGA-accelerated Monte-Carlo integration using stratified sampling and Brownian bridges, H Kwok-Hay So, Y Ma et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 2014 International Conference on Field Programmable Technologies p.-, IEEE.
L Xie, HA Du Nguyen, M Taouil, S Hamdioui, K Bertels (2015), Fast boolean logic mapped on memristor crossbar, S Ozev, SW Chung (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD p.335-342, IEEE.