J.Y.M.N. Engwegen, A.C.T.M. Depla, M.E. Smits, A. Cats, H. Tuynman, H.A. Heukelem, P. Snel, W Meuleman, LFA Wessels, JHM Schellens, J.H. Beijnen (2008), Detection of colorectal cancer by serum and tissue protein profiling: a prospective study in a population at risk, In Biomarker Insights p.375-385.

L Guelen, L Pagie, E Brasset, W Meuleman, M.B. Faza, W Talhout, BH Eussen, A. de Klein, LFA Wessels, W. de Laat, B van Steensel (2008), Domain organization of human chromosomes revealed by mapping of nuclear lamina interactions, In Nature: international weekly journal of science Volume 453 p.948-951.

CN Klijn, H Holstege, J de Ridder, X Liu, MJT Reinders, J Jonkers, LFA Wessels (2008), Identification of cancer genes using a statistical framework for multieperiment analysis of nondiscretized array CGH data, In Nucleic Acids Research Volume 36 p.1-16.

Jeroen de Ridder, Marcel Reinders, Lodewyk Wessels (2008), Inference of logic networks from insertion and expression data.

J de Ridder, MJT Reinders, LFA Wessels (2008), Inference of logic networks from isertation and expression data, GJM Smit, DHJ Epema, MS Lew (Eds.), In Proceedings of the fourteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.362-369, ASCI.

A.G. Uren, J Kool, K. Matentzoglu, J de Ridder, J Mattison, MJG van Uitert, W. Lagcher, D. Sie, E. Tanger, T. Cox, MJT Reinders, T.J. Hubbart, J. Rogers, J Jonkers, LFA Wessels, D.J. Adams, M. van Lohuizen, A Berns (2008), Large-scale mutagenesis in p19 arf - and p53-deficient mice identifies cancer genes and their collaborative networks, In Cell Volume 133 p.727-741.

MH van Vliet, F Reyal, HM Horlings, Marc J van de Vijver, MJT Reinders, LFA Wessels (2008), Pooling breast cancer datasets has synergetic effect on classification performance and improves signature stability, In BMC Genomics p.1-22.

W Meuleman, J.Y.M.N. Engwegen, M-C.W. Gast, LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders (2008), Sub-spectral analysis of mass spectrometry data, GJM Smit, DHJ Epema, MS Lew (Eds.), In Proceedings of the fourteenth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging p.316-322, ASCI.

W Meuleman, LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders (2007), Analysis of mass spectrometry data using wavelets and sub-spectra, 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology.

W Meuleman, LFA Wessels, MJT Reinders (2007), Analysis of mass spectrometry data:wavelets and sub-spectra, F.W. Jansen, G.E.O. Pierre, C.J. Veenman, J.W.J. Heijnsdijk (Eds.), In Proceedings of the thirteenth annual conference of the Advanced School of Computing and Imaging p.174-178, ASCI.