D Terra, WP Brinkman, IEJR Heynderickx (2009), Self-reported preference, ease-of-use and enjoyment of traditional vs. stylus input for children in a Brazilian primary school, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of LatinDisplay 2009 p.151-155, s.n..
WP Brinkman, R Haakma, DG Bouwhuis (2009), Theoretical foundation and validity of a component-based usability questionnaire, In Behaviour and Information Technology: an international journal on the human aspects of computing Volume 28 p.121-137.
A Pommeranz, WP Brinkman, P Wiggers, DJ Broekens, CM Jonker (2009), Towards design guidelines for negotiation support systems: an expert perspective using scenarios, n.s (Eds.), In Proceedings European Conference on cognitive ergonomics p.323-330, VTT.
WP Brinkman, R Haakma, DG Bouwhuis (2008), Component-specific usability testing, In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems & Humans Volume 38 p.1143-1155.
M Kanis, WP Brinkman (2008), Designing technologies that encourage the sharing of positive emotions, In Emotion in HCI: Joint proceedings of the 2005, 2006 and 2007 International workshops p.196-197, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.
IA Khan, WP Brinkman, N. Fine, RM Hierons (2008), Measuring personality from keyboard and mouse use, J Fajardo Abascal, I Oakley (Eds.), In ECCE 2008 p.184-191, Eurographics Portuguese Chapter.
M Kanis, M Perry, WP Brinkman (2008), Minimal connectedness: exploring the effects of positive messaging using mobile technology, S.n. (Eds.), In CHI 2008: art science balance proceedings and extended abstracts of the 26th annual CHI conference on human factors in computing systems p.2513-2522, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
A Pommeranz, WM Visser, DJ Broekens, WP Brinkman, P Wiggers, CM Jonker (2008), Multi-angle view on preference elicitation for negotiation support systems, WP Brinkman, KV Hindriks (Eds.), In Proceedings of HUCOM 2008 p.19-26, Mediamatics.
M Kanis, M Perry, WP Brinkman (2008), Positive expressive technologies for mental wellness, s.n. (Eds.), In CHI 2008 workshop on technology in mental health p.68-71, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
IA Khan, WP Brinkman, RM Hierons (2008), Toward a computer interaction based mood measurement instrument, J Buckley, J Rooksby, R Bennarik (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 20th annual meeting of the psychology pf programmering interest group (PPIG 2008) p.155-169, Lancaster University.