N Kang, WP Brinkman, MB van Riemsdijk, MA Neerincx (2011), Internet-delivered multi-patient virtual reality exposure therapy system for the treatment of anxiety disorders, A Dittmar, P Forbrig (Eds.), In Proceedings 29th Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics p.233-236, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
TE de Greef, R van der Kleij, L Brons, WP Brinkman, MA Neerincx (2011), Observability displays in distributed multi-teams, SM Fiore (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, 2011 p.101-104, University of Central Florida.
B Busscher, D de Vliegher, Y Ling, WP Brinkman (2011), Physiological measures and self-report to evaluate neutral virtual reality worlds, In Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation Volume 4 p.15-25.
A Pommeranz, P Wiggers, WP Brinkman, CM Jonker (2011), Social acceptance of negotiation support systems: Scenario-based exploration with focus groups and online survey, In Cognition, Technology and Work Volume 2011 p.1-19.
WP Brinkman, W Veling, E Dorrestijn, G Sandino, A. Vakili, M van der Gaag (2011), Using Virtual Reality to Study Paranoia in Individuals With and Without Psychosis, In Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation Volume 4 p.249-251.
DJ Broekens, M Harbers, WP Brinkman, CM Jonker, K van den Bosch, J-J Meyer (2011), Validity of a virtual negotiation training, HH Vilhjalmsson et al (Eds.), In IVA'11 Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Intelligent virtual agents p.435-436, Springer.
WP Brinkman, W Veling, E Dorrestijn, G Sandino, V Vakili, M van der Gaag (2011), Virtal reality to study responses to social environment stressors in individuals with and without psychosis, In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics p.86-91.
C Paping, WP Brinkman, C van der Mast (2010), An Explorative Study into a Tele-delivered Multi Patient Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy System., BK Wiederhold (Eds.), In Coping with posttraumatic stress disorder in returning troops: wounds of War ll p.203-219, IOS Press.
B Busscher, D de Vliegher, Y Ling, WP Brinkman (2010), Analysis of psysiological response to neutral virtual reality worlds, WP Brinkman, MA Neerincx (Eds.), In Proceedings of ECCE 2010 p.59-71, Mediamatica TU Delft.
H Alers, LT Gunawan, WP Brinkman, IEJR Heynderickx (2010), Effect of image quality on disaster response applications, P Svensson, A Reibman (Eds.), In Proceedings 2010 Second International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience p.41-45, IEEE.