I Cohen, WP Brinkman, MA Neerincx (2012), Creating an computational model for quick decision making during acute stress, P Turner et al (Eds.), In Proceedings European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2012 p.1-4, Edinburgh Napier University.

W Wang, TJM Rövekamp, WP Brinkman, L. Alpay, PJM Boog (2012), Designing and evaluating a self-management support system for renal transplant patients: The first step, P Turner et al (Eds.), In Proceedings European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2012 p.1-4, Edinburgh Napier University.

A Pommeranz, DJ Broekens, P Wiggers, WP Brinkman, CM Jonker (2012), Designing interfaces for explicit preference elicitation: a user-centered investigation of preference representation and elicitation process, In User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: the journal of personalization research Volume 22 p.357-397.

DJ Broekens, C Qu, WP Brinkman (2012), Dynamic Facial Expression of Emotion Made Easy, Delft University of Technology.

Y Ling, WP Brinkman, HT Nefs, C Qu, IEJR Heynderickx (2012), Effects of stereoscopic viewing on presence, anxiety and cybersickness in a virtual reality Environment for Public Speaking, In Presence: teleoperators and virtual environments Volume 21 p.254-267.

W Wang, WP Brinkman, TJM Rövekamp, L. Alpay, PJM Boog, MA Neerincx (2012), Feedback to renal transplant patients in a self-management support system, P Turner et al (Eds.), In Proceedings European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2012 p.1-4, Edinburgh Napier University.

NJJM Smets, I Cohen, MA Neerincx, WP Brinkman, J van Diggelen (2012), Improving crew support methods in human-machine teams for long-durations missions, E Saggese et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 63rd International Astronautical Congress p.1-9, IAF.

V Vakili, WP Brinkman, MA Neerincx (2012), Lessons learned from the development of technological support for PTSD prevention: A review, In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Volume 181 p.22-26.

D Hartanto, N Kang, WP Brinkman, IL Kampmann, N Morina, PMG Emmelkamp, MA Neerincx (2012), Measuring the subjective unit of discomfort using speech technology, In Proceedings 17th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference p.1-2, Virtual Reality Medical Institute.

N Morina, J Beuving, A Deimann, IL Kampmann, WP Brinkman, D Hartanto, PMG Emmelkamp (2012), Social virtual environments for the treatment of social phobia: using different virtual reality displays.