I Cohen, WP Brinkman, MA Neerincx (2015), Modelling environmental and cognitive factors to predict performance in a stressful training scenario on a naval ship simulator, In Cognition, Technology and Work Volume 17 p.503-519.
C van Lint, PJM Boog, W Wang, WP Brinkman, TJM Rovekamp, MA Neerincx, TJ Rabelink, S van Dijk (2015), Patient experiences with self-monitoring renal function after renal transplantation: Results from a single-center prospective pilot study, In Patient Preference and Adherence Volume 2015 p.1721-1731.
WP Brinkman, ARD Hoekstra, R van Egmond (2015), The effect of 3D audio and other audio techniques on virtual reality experience, BK Wiederhold, G Riva, MD Wiederhold (Eds.), In Annual review of cybertherapy and telemachine 2015, advanced technologies in the behavioral social and neurosciences p.44-48, IOS Press.
C Qu, Y Ling, IEJR Heynderickx, WP Brinkman (2015), Virtual bystanders in a language lesson: Examining the effect of social evaluation, vicarious experience, cognitive consistency and praising on students' beliefs, self-efficacy and anxiety in a virtual reality environment, In PLoS ONE Volume 10 p.1-26.
Y Ling, HT Nefs, N Morina, IEJR Heynderickx, WP Brinkman (2014), A meta-analysis on the relationship between self-reported presence and anxiety in virtual reality exposure therapy for anxiety disorders, In PLoS ONE Volume 9 p.1-12.
A Kayal, WP Brinkman, R Gouman, MA Neerincx, MB van Riemsdijk (2014), A value-centric model to ground norms and requirements for ePartners of children, T Balke, F Dignum, MB van Reimsdijk, AK Chopra (Eds.), In Coordination, Organizations, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems IX - Proceedings International Workshops COIN@AAMAS 2013 & COIN@PRIMA 2013 p.329-345, Springer.
A Kayal, WP Brinkman, H Zoon, MA Neerincx, MB van Riemsdijk (2014), A value-sensitive mobile social application for families, I Cantador et al (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization p.53-56, CEUR-WS.
V Vakili, WP Brinkman, N Morina, MA Neerincx (2014), Characteristics of successful technological interventions in mental resilience training, In Journal of Medical Systems Volume 38 p.1-14.
RG Isnanda, WP Brinkman, W Veling, M van der Gaag, MA Neerincx (2014), Controlling a stream of paranoia evoking events in a virtual reality environment, In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Volume 199 p.55-60.
D Hartanto, IL Kampmann, N Morina, PMG Emmelkamp, MA Neerincx, WP Brinkman (2014), Controlling social stress in virtual reality environments, In PLoS ONE Volume 9 p.1-17.