NJJM Smets, MS Abbing, MA Neerincx, J Lindenberg, H van Oostendorp (2008), Game-based evaluation of personalized support for astronauts in long duration missions, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 59th international astronautical congress (IAC2008) p.1-12, IAF.

O.A. Blanson Henkelmans, CAPG van der Mast, J Lindenberg, MA Neerincx, B Zwetsloot-Schonk (2008), Incremental and medically ethical design of usable health support for disease self-regulation, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of CIB W084 p.1-8, CIB.

KP Truong, MA Neerincx, DA van Leeuwen (2008), Measuring spontanious vocal and facial emotion expressions in real world environments, AJ Spink, MR Ballintijn, ND Bogers, F Grieco, LWS Loijens, LPJJ Noldus, G Smit, PH Zimmerman (Eds.), In Proceedings of measuring behaviour 2008 p.170-171, Noldus Information Technology bv.

MA Neerincx, J Lindenberg (2008), Situated cognitive engineering for complex task environments, In Naturalistic decision making and macrocognition p.373-390, Ashgate.

MA Neerincx, GM te Brake, J.G.M. van de Ven, H.F.R. Arciszewski, TE de Greef, J Lindenberg (2008), Situated cognitive engineering: developing adaptive track handling support for naval command and control centers, P Brezillon, G Coppin, Ph Lenca (Eds.), In HCP-2008 p.3-20, Telecom Bretagne.

MA Neerincx, A Bos, A Olmedo Soler, U Brauer, L Breebaart (2008), The mission execution crew assistant, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 59th international astronautical congress (IAC2008) p.1-12, IAFD.DVD.

O.A. Blanson Henkelmans, WA Rogers, AD Fisk, MA Neerincx, J Lindenberg, CAPG van der Mast (2008), Usability of an adaptive computer assistant that improves self-care tasks and health literacy of older adults, In Methods of Information in Medicine: journal of methodology in medical research, information and documentation Volume 47 p.82-88.

OA Blanson Henkemans, S Bonacina, N Capiello, CAPG van der Mast, MA Neerincx, F Pinciroli (2007), A hybrid multi agent system architecture for distibuted supervision of chronic patients in the ehealth setting, LJM Rothkrantz, CAPG van der Mast (Eds.), In Euromedia 2007 p.119-124, Eurosis-ETI.

R Looije, MA Neerincx, GJM Kruijff (2007), Affective collaborative robots for safety & crisis management in the field, B van de Walle, P Burghardt, K Nieuwenhuis (Eds.), In Proceedings of ISCRAM2007 p.497-506, VUBPress.

WA Melder, KP Truong, MD Uyl, DA van Leeuwen, MA Neerincx, LR Loos, BS Plum (2007), Affective multimodal mirror: sensing and eliciting laughter, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the international workshop on human-centered multimedia p.31-40, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).