R Looije, MA Neerincx, V de Lange (2008), Children's responses and opinion on three bots that motivate, educate and play, In Journal of Physical Agents Volume 2 p.13-20.
JW Streefkerk, C Wiering, MP van Esch-Bussemakers, MA Neerincx (2008), Effects of presentation modality on team awareeness and choice accuracy in a simulated team task, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society's 52nd annuaul meeting p.378-382, HFS.
BA Baker, N Naikar, MA Neerincx (2008), Engineering planetary exploration system: integrating novel technologies and the human element using work domain analysis, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 59th international astronautical congress (IAC2008) p.1-15, IAF.
M Rauterberg, MA Neerincx, K. Tuyls, J Loon (2008), Entertainment computing in the orbit, P Ciancarini, R Nakatsu, M Rauterberg, M Roccetti (Eds.), In New frontiers for entertainment computing p.59-70, Springer.
JW Streefkerk, MP van Esch-Bussemakers, MA Neerincx, R Looije (2008), Evaluating context-aware mobile interfaces for professionals, J Langel, K Smalley, A Thor (Eds.), In Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology p.759-779, Information science reference.
JW Streefkerk, MP van Esch-Bussemakers, MA Neerincx (2008), Field evaluation of a mobile location based notification system for police officers, SN (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices and services p.101-108, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
NJJM Smets, MS Abbing, MA Neerincx, J Lindenberg, H van Oostendorp (2008), Game-based evaluation of personalized support for astronauts in long duration missions, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 59th international astronautical congress (IAC2008) p.1-12, IAF.
O.A. Blanson Henkelmans, CAPG van der Mast, J Lindenberg, MA Neerincx, B Zwetsloot-Schonk (2008), Incremental and medically ethical design of usable health support for disease self-regulation, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of CIB W084 p.1-8, CIB.
KP Truong, MA Neerincx, DA van Leeuwen (2008), Measuring spontanious vocal and facial emotion expressions in real world environments, AJ Spink, MR Ballintijn, ND Bogers, F Grieco, LWS Loijens, LPJJ Noldus, G Smit, PH Zimmerman (Eds.), In Proceedings of measuring behaviour 2008 p.170-171, Noldus Information Technology bv.
MA Neerincx, J Lindenberg (2008), Situated cognitive engineering for complex task environments, In Naturalistic decision making and macrocognition p.373-390, Ashgate.