AM Brouwer, MA Neerincx, VL Kallen, L van der Leer, M ten Brinke (2011), EEG alpha asymmetry, heart rate variability and cortisol in response to virtual reality induced stress, In Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehabilitation Volume 4 p.27-56.

NJJM Smets, G Brake, T Buurman, MA Neerincx (2011), Effects of mobile support on situation awareness and navigation in a field and game environment, In Entertainment Computing Volume 2 p.39-46.

N Kang, WP Brinkman, MB van Riemsdijk, MA Neerincx (2011), Internet-delivered multi-patient virtual reality exposure therapy system for the treatment of anxiety disorders, A Dittmar, P Forbrig (Eds.), In Proceedings 29th Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics p.233-236, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

MA Neerincx (2011), Mens en robot: samen wijzer, M van Calmthout et al (Eds.), In Proceedings Kenniskamer Intelligente Robots - Feiten, fabels en ficties p.45-49, Minsterie van Veilligheid & Justitie.

TE de Greef, R van der Kleij, L Brons, WP Brinkman, MA Neerincx (2011), Observability displays in distributed multi-teams, SM Fiore (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, 2011 p.101-104, University of Central Florida.

MMM Peeters, K van den Bosch, J-J Meyer, MA Neerincx (2011), Scenario-based training: Director¿s cut, G Biswas et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 15th Conference AIED 2011 p.264-271, Springer.

MA Neerincx, TE de Greef, NJJM Smets, MP Sam (2011), Shared mental models of distributed human-robot teams for coordinated disaster responses, F Pirri, G-JM Kruijff (Eds.), In AAAI Symposium on robot-human team-work in dynamic adverse environments p.40-43, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

MA Neerincx (2011), Situated cognitive engineering for crew support in space, In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Volume 15 p.445-456.

TE de Greef, HFR Arciszweski, MA Neerincx (2010), Adaptive automation based on an object-oriented task model: implementation and evaluation in a realistic C2 environment, In Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Volume 4 p.152-182.

NJJM Smets, JM Bradshaw, J van Diggelen, CM Jonker, MA Neerincx, LJV de Rijk, PAM Senster, M Sierhuis, O ten Thije (2010), Assessing human-agent teams for future space missions, In IEEE Intelligent Systems Volume 25 p.46-53.