J Xu, DJ Broekens, KV Hindriks, MA Neerincx (2013), The relative importance and interrelations between behavior parameters for robots¿ mood expression, T Pun, C Pelachaud, N Sebe (Eds.), In Proceedings in 5th biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013) p.1-6, IEEE.
S Koldijk, M Sappelli, MA Neerincx, W Kraaij (2013), Unobtrusive monitoring of knowledge workers for stress self-regulation, S Carberry et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 21th International Conference, UMAP 2013 p.335-337, Springer.
DGM Schouten, NJJM Smets, M Driessen, M Hanekamp, AHM Cremers, MA Neerincx (2013), User requirement analysis of social conventions learning applications for non-natives and low-literates, D Harris (Eds.), In Proceedings in 10th International Conference, EPCE 2013 p.354-363, Springer.
TE de Greef, A Mohabir, IR van de Poel, MA Neerincx (2013), sCEthics: embedding ethical values in cognitive engineering, P Palanque, F Détienne, A Tricot (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics p.1-8, ACM.
WP Brinkman, D Hartanto, N Kang, D de Vliegher, IL Kampmann, N Morina, PMG Emmelkamp, MA Neerincx (2012), A virtual reality dialogue system for the treatment of social phobia, JA Konstan et al (Eds.), In Proceedings ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems-Extended abstracts p.1099-1102, ACM.
MMM Peeters, K van den Bosch, J-J Meyer, MA Neerincx (2012), An ontology for integrating didactics into a serious training game, S Bocconi et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 1st International Workshop on Pedagogically¿driven Serious Games p.1-10.
WP Brinkman, MA Neerincx (2012), Applying situated cognitive engineering to mental health computing, JA Konstan et al (Eds.), In Proceedings ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Extended abstracts p.1-7, ACM.
T Mioch, NJJM Smets, MA Neerincx (2012), Assessing human-robot performances in complex situations with unit task tests, P Blazevic et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication p.621-626, IEEE.
D Hartanto, N Kang, WP Brinkman, IL Kampmann, N Morina, PMG Emmelkamp, MA Neerincx (2012), Automatic mechanisms for measuring subjective unit of discomfort, In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Volume 181 p.192-196.
JW Streefkerk, DS McCrickard, MP van Esch-Bussemakers, MA Neerincx (2012), Balancing awareness and interruption in mobile patrol using context-aware notification, In International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction Volume 4 p.1-3.