M Harbers, R Aydogan, CM Jonker, MA Neerincx (2014), Sharing information in teams: giving up privacy or compromising on team performance?, A Lomuscio, P Scerri, A Bazan, M Huhns (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 2014 p.413-420, IFAAMAS.

MMM Peeters, K van den Bosch, J-J Meyer, MA Neerincx (2014), The design and effect of automated directions during scenario-based training, In Computers & Education Volume 70 p.173-183.

M Harbers, MA Neerincx (2014), Value sensitive design of automated workload distribution support for traffic control teams, D Harris (Eds.), In Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics p.12-21, Springer.

J Xu, DJ Broekens, KV Hindriks, MA Neerincx (2013), Bodily mood expression: Recognize moods from functional behaviors of humanoid robots, G Herrmann et al (Eds.), In Proceedings in 5th International Conference, ICSR 2013 p.511-520, Springer.

CHG Horsch, NJJM Smets, MA Neerincx, RH Cuijpers (2013), Comparing performance and situation awareness in USAR unit tasks in a virtual and real environment, J Geldermann, T Comes et al (Eds.), In Proceedings in 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2013) p.556-560, KIT.

T Bosse, DJ Cook, MA Neerincx, F Sadri (2013), Human aspects in ambient intelligence, Atlantis Press.

T Mioch, TRA Giele, NJJM Smets, MA Neerincx (2013), Measuring emotions of robot operators in urban search and rescue missions, P Palanque et al (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics p.1-7, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

J Xu, DJ Broekens, KV Hindriks, MA Neerincx (2013), Mood expression through parameterized functional behavior of robots, Y.J. Cho, H.R. Choi (Eds.), In Proceedings in 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE RO-MAN 2013) p.533-540, IEEE.

RG Isnanda, WP Brinkman, W Veling, M van der Gaag, MA Neerincx (2013), Priming to induce paranoid thought in a non clinical population, In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Volume 191 p.95-99.

CHG Horsch, NJJM Smets, MA Neerincx, RH Cuipers (2013), Revealing unexpected effects of rescue robots¿ team-membership in a virtual environment, T Comes et al (Eds.), In Proceedings in The 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2013) p.627-631, KIT.