SF Nagata, H van Oostendorp, MA Neerincx (2005), A user based framework to support multitasking on a mobile device, s.n. (Eds.), In Engineering psychology, health and computer system design p.-, Mira Digital Publishing.

MA Neerincx, J Lindenberg, M Grootjen (2005), Accessibility on the job: cognitive capacity driven personalization, s.n. (Eds.), In Universal Access in HCI: exploring new interaction environments p.-, Mira Digital Publishing.

PP Maanen, J Lindenberg, MA Neerincx (2005), Integrating human factors and artificial intelligence in the development of human-machine cooperation, HR Arabnia, R Joshua (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on artifticial intelligence p.-, CSREA Press.

G de Haan, CAPG van der Mast, MA Neerincx (2005), Personal assistants for healthcare treatment at home, In ACM Digital Library p.-, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

JW Streefkerk, MP van Esch-Bussemakers, MA Neerincx, SF Nagata (2005), Personal attentive user interfaces for mobile police officers, s.n. (Eds.), In Engineering psychology health and computer system design p.-, Mira Digital Publishing.

MA Neerincx, J Lindenberg (2005), Situated cognitive engineering for complex task environments, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings 7th International conference on naturalistic decision making p.-, s.l..

G de Haan, OA Blanson Henkemans, MA Neerincx, CAPG van der Mast (2005), Super Assist - Personal assistants for diabetes healthcare treatment at home, A Sloane (Eds.), In Home-Oriented Informatics and Telematics p.261-276, Springer.

G de Haan, CAPG van der Mast, OA Blanson Henkemans, MA Neerincx (2005), Superassist: Personal assistants for cooperative healthcare treatment, M Al-Akaidi, L Rothkrantz (Eds.), In Euromedia 2005 p.124-128, Eurosis-ETI.

JMV Misker, J Lindenberg, MA Neerincx (2005), Users want simple control over device selection, G Bailly, JL Crowley, G Privat (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2005 joint conference on Smart objects and ambient intelligence: innovative context-aware services: usages and technologies p.129-134, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

MA Neerincx, M Grootjen, JA Veltman (2004), How to manage cognitive task load during supervision and damage control in an all-electric ship, In IASME Transactions Volume 1 p.253-258.