Jordi F. Pelkmans, Aurin Vos, Karin Scholtmeijer, Ed Hendrix, Johan J.P. Baars, Thies Gehrmann, Marcel Reinders, Luis G. Lugones, Han A.B. Wösten (2016), The transcriptional regulator c2h2 acceleratesmushroom formation in Agaricus bisporus, In Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Volume 100 p.7151-7159.

Erik van den Akker, Steven J. Pitts, JB van Meurs, M Beekman, Marcel Reinders, PE Slagboom (2016), Uncompromised ten-year survival of oldest old carrying somatic mutations in DNMT3A and TET2.

S Babaei, W Akhtar, J de Jong, MJT Reinders, J de Ridder (2015), 3D hotspots of recurrent retroviral insertions reveal long-range interactions with cancer genes, In Nature Communications Volume 6 p.1-10.

E Taskesen, FJT Staal, MJT Reinders (2015), An integrated approach of gene expression and DNA-methylation profiles of WNT signaling genes uncovers novel prognostic markers in Acute Myeloid Leukemia, In BMC Bioinformatics Volume 16 p.1-13.

M Hulsman, F Hulshof, H Unadkat, BJ Papenburg, DF Stamatialis, R Truckenmüller, C van Blitterswijk, J de Boer, MJT Reinders (2015), Analysis of high-throughput screening reveals the effect of surface topographies on cellular morphology, In Acta Biomaterialia Volume 15 p.29-38.

Ahmed Mahfouz, Sepideh Babaei, Marc Hulsman, Boudewijn P.F. Lelieveldt, Jeroen de Ridder, Marcel Reinders (2015), Chromatin interactions predict co-expression in the mouse cortex.

Ahmed Mahfouz, Boudewijn Lelieveldt, Aldo Grefhorst, Isabel M. Mol, Hetty C.M. Sips, José K. van den Heuvel, Jenny A. Visser, Marcel Reinders, Onno C. Meijer, More Authors (2015), Genome-wide coexpression of steroid receptors in the mouse brain: identifying signaling pathways and functionally coordinated regions.

S Babaei, AMETA Mahfouz, M Hulsman, BPF Lelieveldt, J de Ridder, MJT Reinders (2015), Hi-C chromatin interaction networks predict co-expression in the mouse cortex, In PLoS Computational Biology (Print) Volume 11 p.1-21.

BA van den Berg, MJT Reinders, D de Ridder, TAP Beer (2015), Insight into neutral and disease-associated human genetic variants through interpretable predictors, In PLoS ONE Volume 10 p.1-17.

E Taskesen, S Babaei, MJT Reinders, J de Ridder (2015), Integration of gene expression and DNA-methylation profiles improves molecular subtype classification in acute myeloid leukemia, A Ngom, M Comin (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 9th IAPR conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics p.1-8, BioMed Central.