M Ahmadi, JSSM Wong (2011), A Cache Architecture for Counting Bloom Filters: Theory and Application, In Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Volume 2011 p.1-10.
MF Nadeem, SA Ostadzadeh, M Ahmadi, M Nadeem, JSSM Wong (2011), A Novel Dynamic Task Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Networks with Reconfigurable Processors, s.n. (Eds.), In 5th HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing p.21-30, HiPEAC.
MF Nadeem, SA Ostadzadeh, M Nadeem, JSSM Wong, KLM Bertels (2011), A Simulation Framework for Reconfigurable Processors in Large-scale Distributed Systems, JP Sheu, CL Wang (Eds.), In International Workshop on Scheduling and Resource Management for Parallel and Distributed Systems p.352-360, IEEE.
M Nadeem, JSSM Wong, GK Kuzmanov (2011), An Efficient Hardware Design for Intra-prediction in H.264/AVC Decoder, s.n. (Eds.), In Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Photonics Conference 2011 (SIECPC) p.1-6, IEEE.
M Ahmadi, A Shahbahrami, JSSM Wong (2011), Collaboration of reconfigurable processors in grid computing: Theory and application, In Future Generation Computer Systems: the international journal of grid computing: theory, methods and applications Volume 27 p.850-859.
JSSM Wong, L Carro, M Rutzig, D Mota Mattos, R Giorgi, N Puzovic, S Kaxiras, M Cintra, G Desoli, P Gai, S McKee, A Zaks (2011), ERA-Embedded reconfigurable architectures, JMP Cardoso, M Hubner (Eds.), In Reconfigurable Computing - From FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign p.239-260, Springer.
JSSM Wong, AAC Brandon, F Anjam, RAE Seedorf (2011), Early Results from ERA¿Embedded Reconfigurable Architectures, L Gomes, A Colombo (Eds.), In IEEE 9th International Conference on Industrial Informatics p.816-822, IEEE.
M Nadeem, JSSM Wong, GK Kuzmanov (2011), Inverse Integer Transform in H.264/AVC Intra-frame Encoder, D Bailey, S Demidenko (Eds.), In International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications (DELTA 2011) p.228-233, IEEE.
F Anjam, M Nadeem, JSSM Wong (2011), Targeting Code Diversity with Run-time Adjustable Issue-slots in a Chip Multiprocessor, K Preas (Eds.), In Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition p.1358-1363, EDAA.
MF Nadeem, SA Ostadzadeh, JSSM Wong, KLM Bertels (2011), Task Scheduling Strategies for Dynamic Reconfigurable Processors in Distributed Systems, WW Smari, W Gentzsch et al. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation p.90-97, IEEE.