G Keramidas, JSSM Wong, F Anjam, AAC Brandon, RAE Seedorf, C Scordino, L Carro, D Matos (2013), Embedded reconfigurable computing: the ERA approach, s.n. (Eds.), In 11th IEEE International conference on industrial informatics p.1-6, IEEE.

F Anjam, Q Kong, RAE Seedorf, JSSM Wong (2012), A run-time task migration scheme for an adjustable issue-slots multi-core processor, s.n. (Eds.), In 8th International symposium on applied reconfigurable computing p.1-12, s.n..

PC Santos, GL Nazar, F Anjam, JSSM Wong (2012), Adapting communication for adaptable processors: a multi-axis reconfiguration approach, s.n. (Eds.), In International conference on ReConFigurable computing and FPGAs p.1-6, s.n..

JY Hur, TP Stefanov, JSSM Wong, KGW Goossens (2012), Customisation of on-chip network interconnects and experiments in field-programmable gate arrays, In IET Computers and Digital Techniques Volume 6 p.59-68.

RAE Seedorf, F Anjam, AAC Brandon, JSSM Wong (2012), Design of a pipelined and parameterized VLIW processor: r-VEX v.2.0, s.n. (Eds.), In 6th HiPEAC workshop on reconfigurable computing p.1-12, s.n..

F Anjam, Q Kong, RAE Seedorf, JSSM Wong (2012), On the implementation of traps for a softcore VLIW processor, s.n. (Eds.), In 6th HiPEAC workshop on reconfigurable computing p.1-10, s.n..

MF Nadeem, M Nadeem, JSSM Wong (2012), On virtualization of reconfigurable hardware in distributed systems, s.n. (Eds.), In 41st International conference on parallel processing p.1-9, s.n..

F Anjam, L Carro, JSSM Wong, GL Nazar, MB Rutzig (2012), Simultaneous reconfiguration of issue-width and instruction cache for a VLIW processor, s.n. (Eds.), In International conference on embedded computer systems: architecture modeling and simulation p.1-10, IEEE.

Faisal Nadeem, Imran Ashraf, Arash Ostadzadeh, Stephan Wong, Koen Bertels (2012), Task scheduling in large-scale distributed systems utilizing partial reconfigurable processing elements, In 26th IEEE International parallel and distributed processing symposium workshops p.1-11, IEEE.

R Choupani, JSSM Wong, MR Tolun (2012), Unbalanced multiple description wavelet coding for scalable video transmission, In Journal of Electronic Imaging Volume 21 p.1-11.