A. L. Sartor, A. F Lorenzon, Luigi Carro, Fernanda Kastensmidt, S. Wong, Antonio C.S. Beck (2017), Exploiting Idle Hardware to Provide Low Overhead Fault Tolerance for VLIW Processors, In ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems p.13:1-13:21.

Anthony Brandon, Joost Hoozemans, Jeroen van Straten, Stephan Wong (2017), Exploring ILP and TLP on a Polymorphic VLIW Processor, J. Knoop, W. Karl, M. Schulz, K. Inoue, T. Pionteck (Eds.), In Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2017 p.177-189, Springer.

Joost Hoozemans, Arthur Lorenzon, Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck, Stephan Wong (2017), Improved Dynamic Cache Sharing for Communicating Threads on a Runtime-Adaptable Processor, Workshop Reconfigurable Computing 2017 p.1-9.

Joost Hoozemans, Jeroen van Straten, Stephan Wong (2017), Using a Polymorphic VLIW Processor to Improve Schedulability and Performance for Mixed-criticality Systems, In 2017 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA) p.1-9, IEEE.

Anthony Brandon, Joost Hoozemans, Jeroen van Straten, Arthur Lorenzon, Anderson Sartor, Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck Filho, Stephan Wong (2016), A Sparse VLIW Instruction Encoding Scheme Compatible with Generic Binaries, ICT Open 2016.

A. L. Sartor, S. Wong, A.C.S. Beck (2016), Adaptive ILP Control to increase Fault Tolerance for VLIW Processors, In Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2016 IEEE 27th International Conference on p.9-16, IEEE.

Roya Choupani, Stephan Wong, Mehmet Tolun (2016), Drift-free video coding for privacy protected video scrambling, In 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, ICICS 2015 p.1-5, IEEE.

Qi Guo, Anderson Sartor, Anthony Brandon, Antonio C.S. Beck, Xuehai Zhou, Stephan Wong (2016), Run-time Phase Prediction for a Reconfigurable VLIW Processor, Jürgen Teich (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2016 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2016 p.1634-1639, IEEE.

Roya Choupani, Stephan Wong, Mehmet Tolun (2016), Using wavelet transform self-similarity for effective multiple description video coding, In 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, ICICS 2015 p.1-5, IEEE.

Anthony Brandon, Joost Hoozemans, Jeroen Van Straten, Arthur Lorenzon, Anderson Sartor, Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck, Stephan Wong (2015), A sparse VLIW instruction encoding scheme compatible with generic binaries, In 2015 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, ReConFig 2015, IEEE.