KGW Goossens, LL Mhamdi, I Varela Senin (2009), Internet-router buffered crossbars based on network on chip, A Nunez, PP Carballo (Eds.), In 12th Euromicro conference on digital system design architectures, methods and tools p.365-374, IEEE.

CH Meenderinck, B Juurlink (2009), Intra-vector SIMD instructions for core specialization, s.n. (Eds.), In 2009 IEEE international conference on computer design p.479-484, IEEE.

Holger Blume, Georgi Gaydadjiev, John Glossner (2009), Introduction to the Special Issue on SAMOS 2007, Journal of Signal Processing Systems Volume 57 p.1-3.

OS Dragomir, K Bertels (2009), K-loops: loop skewing for reconfigurable architectures, N Bergmann, O Diessel, L Shannon (Eds.), In 2009 intl. conf. on field-programmable technology p.199-206, IEEE.

M Ahmadi, S Wong (2009), K-stage pipelined bloom filter for packet classification, s.n. (Eds.), In The 7th IEEE/IFIP international conference on embedded and ubiquitous computing p.64-70, IEEE.

PJ de Langen, B Juurlink (2009), Limiting the number of dirty cache lines, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings design, automation and test in Europa p.670-675, IEEE.

A Beyranvand Nejad, KGW Goossens, J Walters, B Kienhuis (2009), Mapping KPN models of streaming applications on a network-on-chip platform, s.n. (Eds.), In 20th annual workshop on circuits, systems and signal processing p.441-444, STW.

Georgi Gaydadjiev, Alex Veidenbaum (2009), Message from the program co-chairs, Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Computing Frontiers, CF 2009 p.iv.

MA Wahlah, KGW Goossens (2009), Modeling reconfiguration in a FPGA with a hardwired network on chip, s.n. (Eds.), In 23rd IEEE international parallel & distributed processing symposium p.1-8, IEEE.

RA Stefan, KGW Goossens (2009), Multipath routing in TDM NoCs, s.n. (Eds.), In 17th IFIP/IEEE international conference on very large scale integration p.1-6, s.n..