D. Kraak, M. Taouil, S. Hamdioui, P. Weckx, F. Catthoor, A. Chatterjee, A. Singh, H. Wunderlich, N. Karimi (2018), Device aging: A reliability and security concern, In 2018 IEEE 23rd European Test Symposium (ETS) p.1-10.
Anderson L. Sartor, Pedro H. E. Becker, Joost Hoozemans, Stephan Wong, Antonio C.S. Beck (2018), Dynamic Trade-off among Fault Tolerance, Energy Consumption, and Performance on a Multiple-issue VLIW Processor, In IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems Volume 4 p.327-339.
Zaid Al-Ars, Nauman Ahmed, Koen Bertels (2018), Early DNA Variant Calling Using Incomplete DNA Datasets.
Shanshan Ren, Koen Bertels, Zaid Al-Ars (2018), Efficient Acceleration of the Pair-HMMs Forward Algorithm for GATK HaplotypeCaller on Graphics Processing Units, In Evolutionary Bioinformatics Volume 14 p.1-12.
Lizhou Wu, Mottaqiallah Taouil, Siddharth Rao, Erik Jan Marinissen, Said Hamdioui (2018), Electrical Modeling of STT-MRAM Defects, In International Test Conference - Proceedings p.1-10, IEEE.
S. Stelloo, E. Nevedomskaya, Y. Kim, L. Hoekman, O. B. Bleijerveld, T. Mirza, L. F.A. Wessels, W. M. Van Weerden, A. F.M. Altelaar, A. M. Bergman, W. Zwart (2018), Endogenous androgen receptor proteomic profiling reveals genomic subcomplex involved in prostate tumorigenesis, In Oncogene Volume 37 p.313-322.
Joost Hoozemans, Jeroen van Straten, Zaid Al-Ars, Stephan Wong (2018), Evaluating Auto-adaptation Methods for Fine-grained Adaptable Processors, M. Berekovic , R. Buchty, H. Hamann, D. Koch, T. Pionteck (Eds.), In Architecture of Computing Systems p.255-268, Springer.
Parag Bhosale, Marius Staring, Zaid Al-Ars, Floris F. Berendsen (2018), GPU-based stochastic-gradient optimization for non-rigid medical image registration in time-critical applications, Elsa D. Angelini, Bennett A. Landman (Eds.), In Medical Imaging 2018 p.1-8, SPIE.
Said Hamdioui, Pierre Emmanuel Gaillardon, Dietmar Fey, Tajana Simunic Rosing (2018), Guest Editorial Memristive-Device-Based Computing, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems Volume 26 p.2581-2583.
Ernst Joachim Houtgast, Vlad-Mihai Sima, Koen Bertels, Zaid Al-Ars (2018), Hardware acceleration of BWA-MEM genomic short read mapping for longer read lengths, In Computational Biology and Chemistry Volume 75 p.54-64.