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A Amory, KGW Goossens, E Marinissen (2006), Wrapper design for the reuse of networks-on-chip as test access mechanism, s.n. (Eds.), In Proc. European Test Symposium p.213-218, IEEE.
Y Dou, S Vassiliadis, GK Kuzmanov, GN Gaydadjiev (2005), 64-bit floating-point FPGA matrix multiplication, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/SIGDA 13th international symposium on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA '05) p.86-95, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
K Sigdel, K Bertels, B Pourebrahimi, S Vassiliadis, Y Shuai (2005), A framework for adaptive matchmaking in distributed computing, M Bubak, M Turala, K Wiatr (Eds.), In Proceedings of GRID workshop Cracow-04 p.150-157, Cyfronet AGH.
C Strydis, GN Gaydadjiev, S Vassiliadis (2005), A generic digital architecture & compiler for implantable devices, s.n. (Eds.), In Symposium proceedings Architectures and compilers for embedded systems (ACES) p.69-72, Academia Press.
LL Mhamdi, S Vassiliadis (2005), A practical scheduler for high-speed packet switches and internet routers, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of ProRISC 2005, 16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.398-403, Dutch Technology Foundation.
I Sourdis, DN Pnevmatikatos, JSSM Wong, S Vassiliadis (2005), A reconfigurable perfect-hashing scheme for packet inspection, T Rissa, S Wilton, P Leong (Eds.), In Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2005) p.644-647, IEEE.
M Ma, AJ van Genderen, P Beukelman (2005), A sign bit only phase normalization for rotation and scale invariant template matching, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of ProRISC 2005, 16th Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.641-646, Dutch Technology Foundation.
B Pourebrahimi, K Bertels, S Vassiliadis (2005), A survey of peer-to-peer networks, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the SAFE & ProRISC 2005 p.570-577, Dutch Technology Foundation.
SD Cotofana, CR Lageweg, S Vassiliadis (2005), Addition related arithmetic operations via controlled transport of charge, In IEEE Transactions on Computers Volume 54 p.243-256.