Rui Han, Chi Harold Liu, Shilin Li, Lydia Chen, Guoren Wang, Jian Tang, Jieping Ye (2019), SlimML: Removing Non- critical Input Data in Large-scale Iterative Machine Learning, In IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering Volume 33 p.2223-2236.

Jan S. Rellermeyer, Sobhan Omranian Khorasani, Dan Graur, Apourva Parthasarathy (2019), The coming age of pervasive data processing, Alexandru Iosup, Florin Pop, Radu Prodan, Alexandru Uta (Eds.), In 2019 18th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC) p.58-65, IEEE.

Nils Voss, Peter Ziegenhein, Lukas Vermond, Joost Hoozemans, Oskar Mencer, Uwe Oelfke, Wayne Luk, Georgi Gaydadjiev (2019), Towards real time radiotherapy simulation, In Proceedings - 2019 IEEE 30th International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, ASAP 2019 Volume 2019-July p.173-180, IEEE.

Rui Han, Chi Harold Liu, Zan Zong, Lydia Y. Chen, Wending Liu, Siyi Wang, Jianfeng Zhan (2019), Workload-Adaptive Configuration Tuning for Hierarchical Cloud Schedulers, In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Volume 30 p.2879-2895.

Jerom Van Der Sar, Jesse Donkervliet, Alexandru Iosup (2019), Yardstick: A benchmark for minecraft-like services, Antinisca Di Marco, Varsha Apte (Eds.), In ICPE '19 p.242-252, ACM.

Martijn de Vos, Johan Pouwelse (2018), A Blockchain-based Micro-Economy of Bandwidth Tokens, CompSys 2018 p.1-2.

M.H. Jiang, Otto W. Visser, I.S.W.B. Prasetya, Alexandru Iosup (2018), A mirroring architecture for sophisticated mobile games using computation‐offloading, In Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience Volume 30 p.1-19.

Aleksandra Kuzmanovska, Hans van den Bogert, Rudolf Mak, Dick Epema (2018), Achieving Performance Balance among Spark Frameworks with Two-Level Schedulers, In Proceedings - 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, CCGRID 2018 p.133-142, IEEE.

Sietse Au, Alexandru Uta, Alexey Ilyushkin, Alexandru Iosup (2018), An Elasticity Study of Distributed Graph Processing, L. O'Conner (Eds.), In 2018 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID) p.382-383, IEEE.

Alexey Ilyushkin, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Nikolas Herbst, André Bauer, Alessandro Papadopoulos, Dick Epema, Alexandru Iosup (2018), An Experimental Performance Evaluation of Autoscalers for Complex Workflows, In ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS) Volume 3 p.1-32.