Darius Roman, Saurabh Saxena, Valentin Robu, Michael Pecht, David Flynn (2021), Machine learning pipeline for battery state-of-health estimation, In Nature Machine Intelligence Volume 3 p.447-456.
Pankaj R. Telang, Munindar P. Singh, N. Yorke-Smith (2021), Maintenance of Social Commitments in Multiagent Systems, In Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'21) p.11369-11377, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
Sonam Norbu, Benoit Couraud, Valentin Robu, Merlinda Andoni, David Flynn (2021), Modeling economic sharing of joint assets in community energy projects under LV network constraints, In IEEE Access Volume 9 p.112019-112042.
Vitaly Kurin, Maximilian Igl, Tim Rocktäschel, Wendelin Böhmer, Shimon Whiteson (2021), My body is a cage: the role of morphology in graph-based incompatible control, In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR).
T. Þorbjarnarson, N. Yorke-Smith (2021), On Training Neural Networks with Mixed Integer Programming.
F.P. Doolaard, N. Yorke-Smith (2021), Online Learning of Deeper Variable Ordering Heuristics for Constraint Optimisation Problems, Edit Luis A. Leiva, Cédric Pruski, Réka Markovich, Amro Najjar, Christoph Schommer (Eds.), In BNAIC/BeneLearn 2021 p.789-791.
Menno Oudshoorn, Timo Koppenberg, Neil Yorke-Smith (2021), Optimization of annual planned rail maintenance, In Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Volume 37 (2022) p.669-687.
Jordi Smit, Canmanie Ponnambalam, Matthijs T.J. Spaan, Frans A. Oliehoek (2021), PEBL: Pessimistic Ensembles for Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning, In Robust and Reliable Autonomy in the Wild Workshop at the 30th International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence.
Nicolas Schwind, Katsumi Inoue, E. Demirović (2021), Partial Robustness in Team Formation: Bridging the Gap between Robustness and Resilience, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems p.1154-1162, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.
Maizura Mokhtar, Valentin Robu, David Flynn, Ciaran Higgins, Jim Whyte, Caroline Loughran, Fiona Fulton (2021), Prediction of voltage distribution using deep learning and identified key smart meter locations, In Energy and AI Volume 6 p.1-10.