Neil Yorke-Smith (2021), A high-impact and expeditious journal for computational and algorithmic computer science research, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Volume 36 p.1361-1362.
Arkadiy Dushatskiy, Tanja Alderliesten, Peter A.N. Bosman (2021), A novel surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm applied to partition-based ensemble learning, In GECCO 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference p.583-591, ACM.
Pallas Agterberg, Maarten Bijl, J. L. Hurink, J.A. la Poutré, Gerdien van de Vreede, M.M. de Weerdt, Tijs Wilbrink (2021), AI as an accelerator of the energy transitition: Opportunities for a carbon-free energy system.
C.T. Ponnambalam, F.A. Oliehoek, M.T.J. Spaan (2021), Abstraction-Guided Policy Recovery from Expert Demonstrations, In 31th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling p.560-568, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
Pengwen Dai, Yang Li, Hua Zhang, Jingzhi Li, Xiaochun Cao (2021), Accurate Scene Text Detection via Scale-Aware Data Augmentation and Shape Similarity Constraint, In IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Volume 24 p.1883-1895.
A. Lukina, Christian Schilling, Thomas A. Henzinger (2021), Active Monitoring of Neural Networks, Edit Luis A. Leiva, Cédric Pruski, Réka Markovich, Amro Najjar, Christoph Schommer (Eds.), In BNAIC/BeneLearn 2021 p.685-687.
Arnold Overwater, Neil Yorke-Smith (2021), Agent-Based Simulation of Short-Term Peer-to-Peer Rentals: Evidence from the Amsterdam Housing Market, In Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science Volume 49 p.223-240.
N. Yorke-Smith (2021), Agent-Based Simulation of Short-Term Peer-to-Peer Rentals: Evidence from the Amsterdam Housing Market (Article Abstract), Edit Luis A. Leiva, Cédric Pruski, Réka Markovich, Amro Najjar, Christoph Schommer (Eds.), In BNAIC/BeneLearn 2021 p.709-711.
Ali Termos, Stefano Picascia, N. Yorke-Smith (2021), Agent-Based Simulation of West Asian Urban Dynamics: Impact of Refugees, In Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Volume 24 p.1-25.
T. D. Simão, Nils Jansen, M.T.J. Spaan (2021), AlwaysSafe: Reinforcement Learning without Safety Constraint Violations during Training, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems p.1226-1235, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.