HM Aldewereld, V Dignum, CM Jonker, MB van Riemsdijk (2012), Agreeing on role adoption in open organisations, In KI - Künstliche Intelligenz Volume 26 p.37-45.
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WM Visser, KV Hindriks, CM Jonker (2012), An argumentation framework for qualitative multi-criteria preferences, S Modgil et al (Eds.), In Proceedings First International Workshop, TAFA 2011 p.85-98, Springer.
MB van Riemsdijk, KV Hindriks, CM Jonker (2012), An empirical study of cognitive agent programs, In Multiagent and Grid Systems Volume 8 p.187-222.
KV Hindriks, MB van Riemsdijk, CM Jonker (2012), An empirical study of patterns in agent programs, N Desai et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 13th International Conference PRIMA 2010 p.196-211, Springer.
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WM Visser, KV Hindriks, CM Jonker (2012), Argumentation-based qualitative preference modelling with incomplete and uncertain information, In Group Decision and Negotiation Volume 21 p.99-127.
T Mioch, NJJM Smets, MA Neerincx (2012), Assessing human-robot performances in complex situations with unit task tests, P Blazevic et al (Eds.), In Proceedings 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication p.621-626, IEEE.