MJ Schuemie, P van der Straaten, M Krijn, CAPG van der Mast (2001), Research on presence in virtual reality: a survey, In Cyberpsychology and Behaviour Volume 4 p.183-202.

MJ Schuemie, CAPG van der Mast (2001), VR testbed configuration for phobia treatment research, ME Domingo, JCG Cebollada, CP Salvador (Eds.), In Proceedings EUROMEDIA'2001 p.200-204, Society for Simulation and Modeling International.

MJ Schuemie, M Bruynzeel, L Drost, M Brinckman, G de Haan, PMG Emmelkamp, CAPG van der Mast (2000), Treatment of acrophobia in virtual reality: a pilot study, F Broeckx, L Pauwels (Eds.), In Euromedia 2000: building a global business p.271-275, Society for Computer Simulation International.

MJ Schuemie, CAPG van der Mast (2000), Virtual reality in de therapie, In Gezondheidszorg, sectie Revalidatie: najaarsconferentie p.1-5, Nederlands Instituut voor Psychologen.

J van den Berg, MJ Schuemie (1999), Information retrieval systems using an associative conceptual space, M Verleysen (Eds.), In ESANN'99: proceedings p.351-356, D-Facto.

MJ Schuemie, J van den Berg (1999), Information retrieval systems using an associative conceptual space and self-organising maps, E Postma, M Gyssens (Eds.), In BNAIC'99: proceedings p.91-98, s.n..

MJ Schuemie, CAPG van der Mast (1999), Presence: interacting in virtual reality?, A Nijholt, O Donk, van B Dijk (Eds.), In TWLT 15: interactions in virtual worlds p.213-217, Twente University.