AHM Cremers, MA Neerincx (2004), Personalisation meets accessibility: towards the design of individual user interfaces for all, C Stary, C Stephanidis (Eds.), In User-centered interaction paradigms for universal access in the information society p.119-124, Springer.

A Bos, L Breebaart, MA Neerincx, M Wolff (2004), SCOPE: an intelligent maintenance system for supporting crew operations, In Proceedings: Autotestcon 2004, IEEE Systems readiness technology conference p.497-503, IEEE.

G de Haan, MA Neerincx, CAPG van der Mast (2004), SuperAssist: personal assistants for distributed supervision of complex task environments, In Proceedings Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Technologies for Welbeing at Home p.1-3, Eindhoven University of Technology.

M Krijn, PMG Emmelkamp, R Biemond, C de Wilde de Ligny, MJ Schuemie, CAPG van der Mast (2004), Treatment of acrophobia in virtual reality: The role of immersion and presence, In Behaviour Research and Therapy Volume 42 p.229-239.

LT Gunawan, CAPG van der Mast, MA Neerincx, P Emmelkamp, M Krijn (2004), Usability of therapist's user interface in virtual reality exposure therapy for fear of flying, J Schreurs, R Moreau (Eds.), In Euromedia '2004 Tenth annual scientific conference on web technology, new media, communications and telematics theory, methods, tools and applications p.125-133, Eurosis.

TF Paymans, J Lindenberg, MA Neerincx (2004), Usability trade-offs for adaptive user interfaces: ease of use and learnability, N Jardim Nunes, C Rich (Eds.), In 2004 International conference on intelligent user interfaces p.301-304, ACM.

MA Neerincx (2004), e-Partners op maat, In Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie Volume 29 p.12-17.

MA Neerincx, JA Veltman, M Grootjen, J Veenendaal (2003), A model for cognitive task load prediction: validation and application, In proceedings IEA 2003 p.-.

MA Neerincx, GJH van den Dobbelsteen, M Grootjen (2003), Assessing cognitive distributions for envisioned task allocations and support functions, In proceedings SCSS p.-.

J Rypkema, MA Neerincx, PO Passenier (2003), Attuning the task design to envisioned high demand situations, T Bedford, PPAJM van Gelder (Eds.), In proceedings Esrel 2003 p.1351-1356, Swets & Zeitlinger.