Y Li, P Hao, Z Lin (2011), The frequency structure matrix: A representation of color filter arays, In International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology Volume 21 p.101-106.
BPF Lelieveldt, CP Botha, EL Kaijzel, EA Hendriks, JHC Reiber, CWGM Lowik, J Dijkstra (2011), Towards integrated analysis of longitudinal whole-body small animal imaging studies, P Tichavsky, JA Chambers (Eds.), In International Conference on Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011) p.5768-5771, IEEE.
Erdogan Taskesen, Marije Havermans, Kirsten van Lom, Mathijs Sanders, Yvette van Norden, Eric Bindels, Remco Hoogenboezem, Marcel Reinders, Peter Valk, More Authors (2011), Two Splice Factor Mutant Leukemia Subgroups Uncovered at the Boundaries of MDS and AML using Combined Gene Expression and DNA-Methylation Profiling.
Bastiaan van den Berg, Jurgen Nijkamp, Marcel Reinders, Herman Pel, Liang Wu, Johannes Roubos (2010), A classifier approach to predict protein secretion in Aspergillus niger, ISMB 2010.
M Nielsen, G Karemore, M Loog, J Raundahl, N Karssemeijer, JDM Otten, MA Karsdal, CM Vachon, C Christiansen (2010), A novel and automatic mammographic texture resemblance marker is an independent risk factor for breast cancer, In Cancer Epidemiology: the international journal of cancer epidemiology, detection and prevention Volume 35 p.381-387.
WJ Lee, RPW Duin, A Ibba, M Loog (2010), An experimental study on combining Euclidean distances, F Gini, S Theodoridis, MS Greco, M Debbah (Eds.), In 2010 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing (CIP 2010) p.304-309, IEEE.
SF Cardoso de Araujo, GJPM Houben, D Schwabe, AJH Hidders (2010), Building Linked Data Applications with Fusion: A Visual Interface for Exploration and Mapping, sn (Eds.), In ISWC-2010 Posters&Demos p.201-204, CEUR-WS.
Sjoerd C. Bruin, Christiaan Klijn, Gerrit Jan Liefers, Linde M. Braaf, Simon A. Joosse, Eric H. Van Beers, Victor J. Verwaal, Hans Morreau, Lodewyk F. Wessels, Marie Louise F. Van Velthuysen, Rob A.E.M. Tollenaar, Laura J. Van't Veer (2010), Specific genomic aberrations in primary colorectal cancer are associated with liver metastases, In BMC Cancer Volume 10.
Jeroen de Ridder, Jan Bot, Jaap Kool, Anthony Uren, Lodewyk Wessels, Marcel Reinders (2009), Discovering cancer pathways: by inferring combinatorial association logic.
Bastiaan van den Berg, Marcel Reinders, Domenico Bellomo (2009), Logic gene network design: a software tool based on modularity and standardization, NBIC Conference 2009.