R Guo, JG Delgado-Frias, S Wong (2007), Cache replacement policies for IP address lookups, Delgado-Frias, J. G. (Eds.), In 5th IASTEDintl. conf. on Circuits, Signals, and Systems p.70-75, ACTA Press.

JY Hur, TP Stefanov, S Wong, S Vassiliadis (2007), Customizing reconfigurable on-chip crossbar scheduler, s.n. (Eds.), In IEEE18th international conference Application-specific systems, architectures and processors p.210-215, IEEE.

M Ahmadi, S Wong (2007), Hashing functions performance in packet classification, s.n. (Eds.), In Proceeding of the 2nd International conference on the latest advances in networks p.1-5, s.l..

JY Hur, S Wong, S Vassiliadis (2007), Partially reconfigurable point-to-point interconnects in virtex-II pro FPGAs, Eduardo Marquez Koen Bertels Pedro C. Diniz, J. M. P. Cardoso (Eds.), In Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications p.49-60, Springer.

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F Campos Soares Borrego, B Breijer, S Wong (2007), Supporting the linux operating system on the MOLEN processor prototype, s.n. (Eds.), In Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.205-210, STW.

JY Hur, TP Stefanov, S Wong, S Vassiliadis (2007), Systematic customization of on-chip crossbar intervconnects, Eduardo Marquez Koen Bertels Pedro C. Diniz, J. M. P. Cardoso (Eds.), In Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications p.61-72, Springer.

K Bertels, SD Cotofana, GN Gaydadjiev, KGW Goossens, S Hamdioui, B Juurlink, AJ van Genderen, S Wong (2007), The Future of computing, Computer Engineering TUDelft.

JSSM Wong, F Campos Soares Borrego, S Vassiliadis (2006), A hardware cache memcpy accelerator, s.n. (Eds.), In International Conference on Field Programmable Technology p.141-147, IEEE.

L Mhamdi, M Hamdi, C Kachris, S Wong, S Vassiliadis (2006), High-performance switching based on buffered crossbar fabrics, In Computer Networks Volume 50 p.2271-2285.