R Choupani, S Wong, MR Tolun (2008), Weighted embedded zero tree for scalable video compression, s.n. (Eds.), In Intl. Conf. on Image Processing, Computer Vission and Pattern Recognition p.1-4, s.n..

R Choupani, S Wong, MR Tolun (2008), Weighted embedded zero tree for scalable vidoe compression, HR Arabnia (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on image processing, computer vision, & pattern recognition p.681-684, CSREA Press.

S Wong, T As van, G Brown (2008), pi-VEX: a reconfigurable and extensible softcore VLIW processor, s.n. (Eds.), In 2008 International conference on field-programmable technology p.1-4, IEEE.

M Ahmadi, S Wong (2007), A cache architecture for counting bloom filters, s.n. (Eds.), In 15th International conference on networks p.218-223, IEEE.

S Vassiliadis, F Campos Soares Borrego, S Wong (2007), A load/store unit for a memcpy hardware accelerator, Najjar, W. Van Genderen, A Bertels, K. (Eds.), In 2007 International conference on field programmable logic and applications p.537-541, IEEE.

F Campos Soares Borrego, S Wong (2007), A memcpy hardware accelarator solution for non cache-line aligned copies, s.n. (Eds.), In IEEE18th international conference Application-specific systems, architectures and processors p.397-402, IEEE.

M Ahmadi, S Wong (2007), A performance model for network processor architectures in packet processing system, Zheng SQ (Eds.), In 19th IASTED Parallel and distributed computing and systems p.1-6, ACTA Press.

B Breijer, F Campos Soares Borrego, S Wong (2007), An OCM based shared memory controller for virtex 4, Najjar, W. Van Genderen, A Bertels, K. (Eds.), In 2007 International conference on field programmable logic and applications p.692-696, IEEE.

M Ahmadi, SA Ostadzadeh, S Wong (2007), An analysis of rule-set databases in packet classification, s.n. (Eds.), In Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.110-115, STW.

F Campos Soares Borrego, S Wong (2007), Analysis of a user-space device-driver for the memcpy hardware, s.n. (Eds.), In Annual Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing p.138-143, STW.