Aritra Sarkar, Zaid Al-Ars, Carmen G. Almudever, Koen L.M. Bertels (2021), QiBAM: Approximate Sub-String Index Search on Quantum Accelerators Applied to DNA Read Alignment, In Electronics (Switzerland) Volume 10 p.1-17.

Aritra Sarkar, Zaid Al-Ars, Koen Bertels (2021), QuASeR: Quantum Accelerated de novo DNA sequence reconstruction, In PLoS ONE Volume 16.

Johan Peltenburg, Ákos Hadnagy, Matthijs Brobbel, Robert Morrow, Zaid Al-Ars (2021), Tens of gigabytes per second JSON-to-Arrow conversion with FPGA accelerators, In 2021 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT) p.1-9, IEEE.

T. Ahmad, Z. Al-Ars, H.P. Hofstee (2021), VC@Scale: Scalable and high-performance variant calling on cluster environments, In GigaScience p.1-13.

Jian Fang, Jianyu Chen, Jinho Lee, Zaid Al-Ars, Peter Hofstee (2020), An Efficient High-Throughput LZ77-Based Decompressor in Reconfigurable Logic, In Journal of Signal Processing Systems Volume 92 p.931-947.

Tanveer Ahmad, Nauman Ahmed, Johan Peltenburg, Zaid Al-Ars (2020), ArrowSAM: In-Memory Genomics Data Processing Using Apache Arrow, In 2020 3rd International Conference on Computer Applications & Information Security (ICCAIS) p.1-6, IEEE.

Tom Mokveld, Jasper Linthorst, Zaid Al-Ars, Henne Holstege, Marcel Reinders (2020), CHOP: Haplotype-aware path indexing in population graphs, In Genome biology Volume 21 p.1-16.

Luigi Pomante, Francesca Palumbo, Claudia Rinaldi, Giacomo Valente, Carlo Sau, Tiziana Fanni, Frank van der Linden, Twan Basten, Marc Geilen, Zaid Al-Ars, More Authors (2020), Design and management of image processing pipelines within CPS: 2 years of experience from the FitOptiVis ECSEL Project, L. O'Conner (Eds.), In 2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD) p.378-385, IEEE.

Nauman Ahmed, Koen Bertels, Zaid Al-Ars (2020), Efficient GPU Acceleration for Computing Maximal Exact Matches in Long DNA Reads, In ICBBB 2020 p.28-34, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Rene Miedema, Georgios Smaragdos, Mario Negrello, Zaid Al-Ars, Matthias Moller, Christos Strydis (2020), FlexHH: A Flexible Hardware Library for Hodgkin-Huxley-Based Neural Simulations, In IEEE Access Volume 8 p.121905-121919.