Carlo Sau, Claudia Rinaldi, Luigi Pomante, Francesca Palumbo, Giacomo Valente, Tiziana Fanni, Marcos Martinez, Frank van der Linden, Zaid Al-Ars, More Authors (2021), Design and management of image processing pipelines within CPS: Acquired experience towards the end of the FitOptiVis ECSEL Project, In Microprocessors and Microsystems Volume 87 p.1-23.
Joost Hoozemans, Kati Tervo, Pekka Jaaskelainen, Zaid Al-Ars (2021), Energy Efficient Multistandard Decompressor ASIP, In ICCDE 2021 - 2021 7th International Conference on Computing and Data Engineering p.14-19, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Aritra Sarkar, Zaid Al-Ars, Koen Bertels (2021), Estimating Algorithmic Information Using Quantum Computing for Genomics Applications, In Applied Sciences Volume 11 p.1-25.
Joost Hoozemans, Johan Peltenburg, Fabian Nonnenmacher, Ákos Hadnagy, Zaid Al-Ars, H. Peter Hofstee (2021), FPGA Acceleration for Big Data Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities, In IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine Volume 21 p.30-47.
Jianyu Chen, Maurice Daverveldt, Zaid Al-Ars (2021), FPGA Acceleration of Zstd Compression Algorithm, L. O'Conner (Eds.), In 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW) p.188-191, IEEE.
Ahmad Hesam, Lukas Breitwieser, Fons Rademakers, Zaid Al-Ars (2021), GPU Acceleration of 3D Agent-Based Biological Simulations, L. O'Conner (Eds.), In 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2021 - In conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2021 p.210-217, IEEE.
Johan Peltenburg, Jeroen van Straten, Matthijs Brobbel, Zaid Al-Ars, H. Peter Hofstee (2021), Generating high-performance FPGA accelerator designs for big data analytics with Fletcher and Apache Arrow, In Journal of Signal Processing Systems: the journal of DSPtechnologies Volume 93 p.565-586.
Aritra Sarkar, Zaid Al-Ars, Carmen G. Almudever, Koen L.M. Bertels (2021), QiBAM: Approximate Sub-String Index Search on Quantum Accelerators Applied to DNA Read Alignment, In Electronics (Switzerland) Volume 10 p.1-17.
Aritra Sarkar, Zaid Al-Ars, Koen Bertels (2021), QuASeR: Quantum Accelerated de novo DNA sequence reconstruction, In PLoS ONE Volume 16.
Johan Peltenburg, Ákos Hadnagy, Matthijs Brobbel, Robert Morrow, Zaid Al-Ars (2021), Tens of gigabytes per second JSON-to-Arrow conversion with FPGA accelerators, In 2021 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT) p.1-9, IEEE.