LD Aronson, RPJ van der Krogt, C Witteveen, J Zutt (2002), Automated transport planning using agents, E Vogels (Eds.), In Proceedings International congress on FTAM p.1-19, TRAIL Research School.

JM Valk, C Witteveen (2002), Multi-agent coordination in planning, E Vogels (Eds.), In Proceedings international congress on freight transport automation and multimodality, Part I p.1-13, TRAIL Research School.

JM Valk, C Witteveen (2002), Multi-agent coordination in planning, M Ishizuka, A Sattar (Eds.), In PRICAI 2002: Trends in artificial intelligence p.335-344, Springer.

N Roos, A ten Teije, A Bos, C Witteveen (2002), Multi-agent diagnosis with spatially distributed knowledge, H Blockeel, M Denecker (Eds.), In BNAIC'02 Proceedings of the 14th Dutch-Belgian artificial intelligence conference p.275-282, BNVKI.

J Zutt, LD Aronson, RPJ van der Krogt, N Roos, C Witteveen (2002), Multi-agent transport planning, H Blockeel, M Denecker (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 14th Belgium-Netherlands artificial intelligence conference (BNAIC'02) p.387-394, BNVKI.

P Harrenstein, W van der Hoek, J-J Meyer, C Witteveen (2002), On modal logic interpretations of games, F van Harmelen (Eds.), In ECAI 2002 Proceedings p.28-33, IOS Press.

JFM Tonino, A Bos, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2002), Plan coordination by revision in collective agent based systems, In Artificial Intelligence Volume 142 p.121-145.

JFM Tonino, A Bos, MM de Weerdt, C Witteveen (2002), Plan coordination by revision in collective agent based systems, In Artificial Intelligence Volume 142 p.121-145.

RPJ van der Krogt, A Bos, C Witteveen (2002), Replanning in a resource-based framework, V Marik, et al. (Eds.), In Multi-agent systems and applications: selected revised papers p.148-158, Springer.

RPJ van der Krogt, LD Aronson, N Roos, C Witteveen, J Zutt (2002), Tactical planning using heuristics, H Blockeel, M Denecker (Eds.), In BNAIC'02 Proceedings of the 14th Dutch-Belgian artificial intelligence conference p.187-195, BNVKI.