Joseph G. Davis, Alessandro Bozzon (2015), Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2015), Australian Computer Society Volume 166.

J Novak, A Bozzon, P Fraternali, P Daras, O Chrons, B Nardi, A Jaimes (2015), SoHuman 2014 ¿ 3rd international workshop on social media in crowdsourcing and human computation ¿ introduction: Theme: Socially-aware crowdsourcing ¿ the value of the human touch, LM Aiello, D McFarland (Eds.), In Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Social Informatics p.417-420, Springer.

A Psyllidis, A Bozzon, S Bocconi, C Titos Bolivar (2015), Social Glass - SAIL 2015: Spatial patterns in the use of social media, De Veranderende Stad Tentoonstelling ('The Changing City' Exhibition).

S Bocconi, A Bozzon, A Psyllidis, C Titos Bolivar, GJPM Houben (2015), Social glass: A platform for urban analytics and decision-making through heterogeneous social data, A Gangemi, S Leonardi, A Panconesi (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 24th International World Wide Web Conference p.175-178, International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee.

A Psyllidis, A Bozzon, S Bocconi, C Titos Bolivar (2015), SocialGlass, AMS Partner Event.

A Psyllidis, A Bozzon, S Bocconi, C Titos Bolivar (2015), SocialGlass: A Platform for Urban Analytics and Decision-making through Heterogeneous Social Data Professionals in the field, ICT OPEN 2015.

A Psyllidis, A Bozzon, S Bocconi, C Titos Bolivar (2015), SocialGlass: Urban analytics and decision-making through heterogeneous social data.

RJ Sips, A Bozzon, G Smit, GJPM Houben (2015), The inclusive enterprise: Vision and roadmap, P Cimiano, F Frasincar, GJ Houben, D Schwabe (Eds.), In Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2015): Engineering the Web in the Big Data p.621-624, Springer.

M Balduini, S Bocconi, A Bozzon, E Della Valle, Y Huang, JEG Oosterman, T Palpanas, M Tsytsarau (2014), A case study of active, continuous and predictive social media analytics for smart city, T Omitola, J Breslin, P Barnaghi (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Semantics for Smarter Cities p.31-46, CEUR-WS.

Alessandro Bozzon, Hariton Efstathiades, Geert Jan Houben, Robert Jan Sips (2014), A study of the online profile of enterprise users in professional social networks, In WWW 2014 Companion - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web p.487-492, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).