Martin Byrenheid, Thorsten Strufe, Stefanie Roos (2020), Attack resistant Leader Election in Social Overlay Networks by Leveraging Local Voting, In 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2020).

M.A. de Vos, J.A. Pouwelse (2020), ConTrib: Universal and Decentralized Accounting in Shared-Resource Systems, In DICG'20: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure for Common Good p. 13–18, ACM DL.

Ankit Gangwal, Samuele Giuliano Piazzetta, Gianluca Lain, Mauro Conti (2020), Detecting Covert Cryptomining using HPC, S. Krenn, H. Shulman, S. Vaudenay (Eds.), In Cryptology and Network Security p.344–364, Springer.

Quinten Stokkink, Alexander Stannat, Johan Pouwelse (2020), Foundations of Peer-to-Peer Reputation, In DICG'20 p.25–30, ACM.

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Rajiv Ranjan, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Lydia Y. Chen, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos (2020), Holistic Technologies for Managing Internet of Things Services, In IEEE Transactions on Services Computing Volume 13 p.597-601.

Oğuzhan Ersoy, Stefanie Roos, Zekeriya Erkin (2020), How to profit from payments channels, Joseph Bonneau, Nadia Heninger (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 24th Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Volume 12059 p.284-303, Springer.

Alexandru Uta, Alexandru Custura, Dmitry Duplyakin, Ivo Jimenez, Jan S. Rellermeyer, Carlos Maltzahn, Robert Ricci, Alexandru Iosup (2020), Is Big Data Performance Reproducible in Modern Cloud Networks?, In Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI 2020 p.513-527.

Martijn de Vos, Georg Ishmaev, Johan Pouwelse (2020), MATCH: A Decentralized Middleware for Fair Matchmaking In Peer-to-Peer Markets, In Middleware '20 p.74-88, ACM.

H. M. Verhelst, A. W. Stannat, G. Mecacci (2020), Machine Learning Against Terrorism: How Big Data Collection and Analysis Influences the Privacy-Security Dilemma, In Science and Engineering Ethics Volume 26 p.2975-2984.