M Sima, S Vassiliadis, JTJ van Eijndhoven, SD Cotofana (2002), Y'UV-to-R'G'B' color space conversion on FPGA-augmented TriMedia-32 processor, In Proceeding ProRISC 2002 p.465-471, Dutch Technology Foundation STW.

C Lageweg, SD Cotofana, S Vassiliadis (2001), A linear threshold gate implemantation in single electron technology, A Jacobs (Eds.), In Proceedings p.93-98, IEEE.

I Antochi, BHH Juurlink, S Vassiliadis (2001), A low power 2D/3D graphics accelerator: The initial design, s.n..

I Antochi, BHH Juurlink, AGM Cilio (2001), A low-cost, power-efficient texture cache architecture, In ProRISC 2001: proceedings p.250-257, STW Technology Foundation.

CH Yeh, EA Varvarigos (2001), A mathematical game and its applications to the design of interconnection networks, In Proceedings p.21-30, IEEE.

MD Padure, SD Cotofana, C Dan, M Bodea, S Vassiliadis (2001), A new latch-based threshold logic familiy, In CAS 2001: proceedings p.531-534, IEEE Society.

G Kuzmanov, S Vassiliadis, JTJ van Eijndhoven (2001), A padding processor for MPEG-4, In ProRISC 2001: proceedings p.470-474, STW Technology Foundation.

C Lageweg, SD Cotofana, S Vassiliadis (2001), A turnstile based single electron memory element, In SAFE 2001: proceedings p.103-108, STW Technology Foundation.

C Lageweg, SD Cotofana, S Vassiliadis (2001), Achieving fanout capabilities in single electron encoded logic networks, In Proceedings. Vol. 2 p.1383-1386, IEEE Society.

KLM Bertels, M Boman (2001), Agent-based social simulation in markets, In Electronic Commerce Research Volume 1 p.149-158.